Chapter XII: 'True Alpha' and Ghosts from the Past

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"Thank you for the information Alpha Blackwood, we will see each other at the full moon for the spell." The Alpha pack goes out of the office.

Peter closes the door and fumes. "That sleazy bastard is trying to steal us."

Derek interjects. "Wait Peter... Back up. What's going on? What's a 'True Alpha'."

Peter calms himself. "A 'true Alpha' is an Omega or Beta that becomes an Alpha because he was chosen by the territory. It only happens if the previous Alpha spark abandon their territory. Or if a wolf is a challenger to the present Alpha." Derek frowns. "Now, it's really important Nephew. Did you or did you not acknowledge Scott as an Alpha?"

Derek stutters. "I... I told him once that he was the Alpha of his own pack."

Peter curses. "Seriously? Scott?" Derek shrugs. "Shit... OK... It's alright, we can fix it. We will talk to him tomorrow to know if he still wants to be Human."

Derek frowns. "Ok, but first explain to me what's going on."

Peter says. "By saying that, you unlocked the first step for the territory to acknowledge Scott McCall as a challenger to the title, because you didn't chase him from the territory while he was an omega."

Derek thinks. "But he is my Beta now, doesn't it stop the process?"

Peter nods. "The process yes. But you can steal an Alpha spark. If Deaton wants to make sure that McCall receive our spark should you do something to lose it, he can. Because of that statement."

Derek frowns. "But I'm not going to lose it, right?"

Peter states. "Not with me around you're not! I'll be dammed to let the Hale spark goes to this idiot of McCall. If he doesn't accept to become human again, he will have an accident."

Derek is shocked. "Peter!!"

Peter shrugs. "Listen to me carefully, Derek. The Hale spark will stay with a Hale. This Scott McCall is no Alpha material. Beacon Hills Territory will stay Hale territory, no matter what. He's not the first problematic beta I would have had to kill. Talia made two mistakes and I took care of them. So please do me a favor. Never says that again to someone who isn't an Alpha." Derek looks pained but nods.

Peter sighs. "The good news is that if McCall accept to become human again, we will gain a potential Right-hand soon enough." Derek cocks his head in incomprehension, Peter is smiling. "Oh, I didn't tell you? The only way to become human after being bitten is to transfer the bite to a willing participant."

Peter tries to go, but Derek stops him. "Peter, Wait! What's the deal with Deaton?" Peter stops and clenches his fists. "You always have that stare every time, someone tells his name."

Peter sighs. "He had a weird obsession with Talia. When he heard that I was the next candidate to bear the Alpha Child, he wasn't happy, he wanted it to be him, I think. Anyways, then the Paige incident happened. He blamed me for it. It wasn't my fault that Ennis chose to bite her, nor was it my fault that Paige was completely and utterly blind to magic and therefore couldn't accept the bite. He tried to make Talia change her mind, telling her I wasn't father material or whatnot. He tried to poison her mind by talking about balance, right and wrong... he didn't do anything, so I couldn't kill him. But I really wanted to...."

Derek stops him "Paige wasn't blind to the magic."

Peter frowns. "What?"

Derek continues. "She wasn't when she asked me to... She told me she knew I wasn't human. She didn't know what but... She wasn't blind to it."

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