Chapter XVI: The Story of a Sacrifice and An Ancient Rivalry

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One week later, the sheriff comes in Sheriff clothes, with papers in both hands. He then says solemnly. "I have the result for the two different DNA test. It came a little earlier than predicted. I also found information on Malia's mom. What do you want to know first?"

Peter inhales. "Is she a Hale?" The sheriff acquiesces and gives an envelope to Peter. That Peter doesn't open yet.

Seeing the hesitation to open the results, the Sheriff continues. "As for the blood on the stump, it was Malia's too." Peter nods, Noah continues saddened. "I also found her mother. She's actually a cold case of 16 years ago. A woman named Corinne Kojot, she was murdered brutally in the preserve. We found two sets of print at the crime scene. We now know that one of them was the Darach."

Peter nods in understanding, he touches the II on his wrist as if to reassure himself. "She's my daughter... She wouldn't have been sane when we find her if she wasn't, since her mother already died." Noah looks sadly at the Left-Hand, confirming Peter's suspicion.

"Will you tell her?"

Peter smiles sadly. "I don't think she will want to know. Her family was the Tates, and we are her pack. I'll let her choose. At least she will have an identity to go to school to." Noah nods sadly. "Do you have a picture of the mother?" The Sheriff hand him one, Peter doesn't recognize her... "I'll put it in the envelope if Malia wants to open it." The sheriff nods in understanding and let's Peter digest the information.


When Stiles found Peter in the preserve after looking for him, because his father told him something happened, he is punching a tree, his knuckle bloody. Peter doesn't stop even though he can feel the Right-hand eyes on him.

"What happened?"

Peter huffs. "Your father didn't tell you?"

Stiles shakes his head, goes towards Peter and catch his fist before he succeeds punching the tree. "He just told me you might need someone. Derek is occupied with his studies, so I proposed myself." He pauses, trying to clean the blood on Peter's hand. "What happened?"

Peter grins sadly. "She was mine. They stole her by killing her mother. I don't even remember that woman. They took the time to erase her from my mind. And I didn't see her grow up." He pauses then continue angrily. "They knew about our tradition of naming our daughter with a name finishing by an A. They knew not to allow her to have a Last name or birthday to hide her. They took her blood to makes a spell, but it doesn't make sense. Why did they give her to a family instead of giving her to the pack for the blood to work earlier? Why did they want to free a void? Why did they kill the mother but not the child?"

Stiles frowns, takes time to think then nods. "Let's found out." Peter is looking at him with an expression which says 'Are you kidding me? Don't you think I tried already?'. Stiles says. "Let's decompose the information. What do we know about the spell that they used? It was multiple sacrifices of supernatural, a whole family. Then the sacrifice of animals by suicide mostly. Then they took the blood that they kept for 16 years of a baby. Why that process? Do you recognize any spell?"

'Mother moon, I'm falling, aren't I?'

Peter looks at Stiles with awe and heart hammering at the marvelous raven in front of him, he squeezes Stiles' hand that he's still holding like a lifeline, and nods. "You're right. Let's found out." Stiles smiles sweetly, they both goes back to the house to go on a research binge.

After some hours Stiles says. "I don't get it... They were easier things to do." Peter looks up from his book in interrogation. "It says here that they can free a spirit from a prison by a possession spell. You put someone in a trance close to death, the spirit enters that someone who volunteer to the possession, that someone wakes up and TA-DA! Why didn't the Darach do that?"

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