Chapter XXIV: Full-Shift Wolves and Wake-Up Calls

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In the middle of the night, Stiles feels a surge of pain coming from Derek. He gasps clutching at his chest and whispers brokenly "Alpha." Eyes flashing, he runs into the training room, the other follows him, sensing the panic. When they enter the room, they see Julia looking at them surprised, Christopher out of his circle and in wolf form. And next to him, is a complete Black wolf with Blue/Grey/Green eyes. The other wolf has a normal wolf size compared to Christopher.

Peter smiles full of pride. "Derek, did you attain the full-shift?" The Alpha flashes his eyes red scarlet confirming Peter's assumption. "You're beautiful, Nephew. Even more than Talia was." At hearing this Derek approaches his uncle and grabs his shirt in his mouth making him move towards Chris. "Are you the reason he succeeded?"

Instead of changing back and answering, the Amarok touch the Left-hand with his snout. Peter snorts at the cuteness of the hunter then his eyes bulge out when he feels incredible pain. He breathes through it, trying to not show anything. He looks at Cora. "Come here too, since you are your mother's daughter you should be able to attain the full shift too." Cora nods and approaches. At some point Peter closes his eyes at a strong wave of pain, when he opens them again, he's in a full shift. The other gasp or coo at him while Stiles decides to take a picture of his Alpha, Left-hand and pack-mate, to show them their new form. Cora joins her bother and uncle into a wolf, second or minute later. She's a beautiful brown wolf.

Peter, being too curious for his own good and after some unsuccessful attempt, transforms back into his human form to see his picture. Seeing Peter without clothes, Stiles' mouth falls opens, and he begins to panic when Peter walks towards him, without hiding anything. Peter snorts at Stiles who tries to look everywhere except where he really wants to look. "Your phone, Pet."

Stiles' breath catches in his throat, he gives his phone without arguing. Then grits. "Would you put some clothes on, already?"

Peter hums. "Why would I do that when you can look your fill?"

Stiles gapes while yelling. "Why the hell would I do that?"

Peter snorts. "Please, I'm more attractive than Christopher over there."

Stiles flushes. "You and your ego."

Peter smiles. "My realism you mean." Blue looks into Amber intensely. "If you need an objective proof. Just look at those three..." He points at Erica, Jackson and Danny that are gaping. Stiles is glaring a little at his pack mates. Peter murmur into Stiles' hear. "You can look, I don't mind." Stiles hearts hammers, he clenches his hands and glares at blue eyes.


Derek changes too, sighing. "Peter stop trying to embarrass him."

Stiles eyes snaps to Derek, and yells. "OH. MY. GOD. Is it in the Hale gene to be formed like Greek gods?! For fuck's sake." Derek glares. "No, but seriously look at that perfection. The fuck!"

Peter laughs his ass off. "He's right, Nephew. You should probably change back before the other loses themselves."

Derek sighs. "They need to get used to it, now that we can all full-shift. And stop ogling us at every occasion." Derek raises an eyebrow at the three who clear their throat in tandem and look elsewhere. Derek then says, "I want to see the pictures."

Cora changes back too, leaving Isaac running towards her, panicked, while he tries to give her his sweatshirts rapidly and hide her from the others at the same time, she accepts the sweatshirt while snorting. "I want to see them too." Stiles doesn't know where to look to stay polite. Those three are the bisexual heaven or hell depending on the context. Stiles decides to think of dead puppy and looks at Chris' giant wolf form to keep his mind on the right track.

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