Chapter XVII: Silver and Pack's vote

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Peter opens the door and says politely cheerful. "Christopher, what can we do for you?"

The hunter scowls at the familiarity. "I think, I found the identity of the Darach. I promised Allison to cooperate with your pack, so here I am."

Peter grins. "Well, enter. You are just in time. We also have new information."

The hunters enter a room full of people, he frowns. "What's going on?"

Derek answers. "The Darach made a spell using the sacrifices they've done, to free a Nogitsune from his cage. Noshiko here is the one that know the kitsune better. We're trying to find the best way to operate."

Argent nods and bristles sightly in fear when the word Nogitsune was brought up. "I met one of them. It wasn't a pleasant meeting. Do you know how to deal with it?"

Stiles spokes. "We are trying to decide if the Nogitsune will be interested in making a deal, or if we have to straight up kill it."

Chris raises an eyebrow. "What kind of deal?"

Stiles explains. "The Nogitsune is here because he didn't have time to finish a deal he made. Nogitsune never break their deal. That's what I read anyway. The Darach is trying to use the Nogitsune for something, so what if we make a deal with him to help him out of the Darach's clutches in exchange for him to make the deal void. It's already null since he was in prison and couldn't accomplish it anyways...."

Christopher hums and cocks his head weirdly. Julia looks at the hunter strangely then murmurs something to Derek, who nods. The other shifter that could hear what she said straighten. Peter then stands directly behind the hunter and whispers into the hunter's ears "sleep" after a quick incantation. Chris then closes his eyes and collapses. The Sheriff turns quickly towards Peter. "What's going on?"

Peter explains. "When our dear Christopher passed the house wards, Julia felt magic on him. We need to know what kind and at what effect. Especially with a threat in our territory." The beta then takes Mr. Argent and tie him to a chair. "Julia, if you would, please, examine him?"

The little brunette nods and begins the magical examination. "There is a block on memory and another spell..." she pauses, concentrates more, and continues. "Yes, the person that cast this, made sure that everything that Mr. Argent heard is transferred to them... I can't be sure if it's the Darach or not, the magic seems different, less dark. But the block on memory on the other hand is really dark. I think it's two different people."

Derek asks. "Can you do something?"

Julia nods and speaks Latin during 15 minutes before everyone's hears pop. "It's done, for both of them. He should be able to wake up soon enough."

Stiles says. "We should probably untie him. He won't like waking up with that."

Peter hums. "He won't be pleased at all. It's better if we keep our relations civil. Scott if you will." Scott hurries to comply.

Stiles interjects. "Question, does the potential accomplice works again with the Darach?"

Peter frowns at that and shakes his head. "No, maybe the ex-accomplice wants to know what we know..."

The Sheriff frowns. "What are you talking about?"

Peter turns to the Sheriff then looks at Malia rapidly. "I'll explain the details later, but we think the Darach had an accomplice 16 years ago and that the Darach got the blood from them. Either by murder or thieves. Now if the different spells on Christopher over there were cast by two different people..."

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