Chapter 74 - Flaming Heart

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Atsuko heads to Kawasaki and decides to check out the Taro Okamoto Museum of Art. Atsuko lands and immediately checks the surrounding area. After going around, she sees a man standing in the middle of a path. Atsuko throws a fire blast at him. The man turns around and deflects the blast. Atsuko walks out from behind the nearby cover.

"So that means I was right. You bastards are everywhere." Atsuko announces. "That's what I should be saying." The man responds. "What do you mean exactly?" Atsuko asks. "Suddenly, many commander candidates have fallen. Even Azrael and he was the strongest of us." The man explains. "Good for us, but that's pretty bad for you. You're gonna have to die now though." Atsuko says.

"You? Kill me? Funny. I don't even know who you are. Why would you pose a threat to me?" The man declares. "Good. I stay like that because I don't want thanks. just to make a change." Atsuko responds. "Wait. You're Atsuko Amamiya. You were abandoned by your parents and went off the radar for a while." The man realizes. "Thanks for the reminder. Didn't really need it though." Atsuko responds.

"You look different. Cutting your hair and dyeing it to look different isn't going to help you run." The man exclaims. "I'm not running from anything. I'll face whatever the hell I want WHENEVER!" Atsuko shouts. Atsuko makes a sword with her flames and jumps at the man. He blocks the slash with his own sword. Atsuko's flames heat up and melt through the metal sword completely.

Landing a big slash to his chest. Atsuko turns her sword and slashes a massive X onto his chest. He extends his palms and a blast of cold wind hits her face, pushing her back. "Wow, you're at a pretty big disadvantage huh?" Atsuko boasts. "Pretty good. Guess I'll tell you my name then. I am Masaru. And any flames you throw, I'll freeze them." Masaru responds.

"Okay then. I'd like to see you try." Atsuko declares. Masaru makes an ice sword and runs at Atsuko. The two collide swords multiple times. Masaru's sword freezes Atsuko's sword. Masaru tries to land slashes on her but Atsuko slowly backs up and dodges a straight stab to kick Masaru's arm, breaking it. Masaru shouts in pain and the sword shatters.

"Did you think I'm nothing without weapons? I have years of combat training. You lost the second you got cocky." Atsuko explains. "You... I've never been hurt like this before....! No more games! I'll kill you here no matter WHAT!" Masaru shouts. He activates aura control mode and punches Atsuko into the sky. Atsuko makes another fire sword and flies at Masaru. Masaru throws multiple shards of ice and Atsuko slashes through each volley of shards. Masaru throws 30 shards at once and Atsuko gathers heat.

"Flame Control - Burning Wave!" Atsuko exclaims as she throws a massive wave of fire at Masaru. The wave easily overtakes the shards and Masaru freezes some of the fire heading towards him. Through the fire, Atsuko's sword impales him. Masaru shouts as Atsuko flies up close and completely burns him to ashes. "Well that was easy," Atsuko says.

Behind her, Masaru punches her in the face and throws multiple shards. Atsuko blocks the shards drawing a little bit of blood. With another ice sword, he flies straight towards Atsuko, and with another sword she makes, she collides with him. Another Masaru flies in from behind her and tries to get a sneak attack. Atsuko makes a fire shield and blocks the slash.

"Flame Control - Sunshine!" Atsuko shouts as she unleashes a massive wave of heat, burning the second Masaru away. The original backs up. "A clone made out of ice? Real original." Atsuko jokes. "I'll make sure you can never joke like that again!" Masaru threatens as a black aura seeps out from him. He makes 3 clones of himself from ice and all of the rush Atsuko. Atsuko tries slashing one but it dodges and another cuts her back. She slices behind her and she's attacked again.

Atsuko gets slashed in all directions over and over again. Atsuko quickly remembers something Asami told her. "Get serious when you need to! Otherwise, the fight wouldn't be fair or fun!" Asami advises. Atsuko chuckles. "You're right." She quickly actives aura control mode and easily destroys the clones.

"It's easy to win when your opponent doesn't get serious huh? I can't pull my punches so let me show you something I've been working on." Atsuko asks. Suddenly, 3 clones appear next to Atsuko. "That's just a simple clone technique! Anyone who's proficient in the element can use that technique!" Masaru shouts.

"True. But that's not all." Atsuko responds. 7 clones all appear. "What?! But 3 is the maximum amount anyone can make! So how?!" Masaru exclaims. "I wonder." Atsuko replies. All the clones immediately rush at Masaru, beating him. Masaru makes a spear with his ice and impales one with a spear. It dissolves into shadows. Another burns his back. He slashes another clone's chest and the clone explodes, sending him reeling back.

"Cmon! Which one's the real one?" They all say in unison. The aura around Masaru enlargens as he shouts. "Ice Mastery - Thousand Shard Rain!" Masaru shouts as Thousands of shards of ice rain from the sky. The shard destroys every clone and the only one standing left is impaled. "Yes! I've done it! I won! Guess she really was all talk." Masaru exclaims to himself. The body disappears. "Wait... a clone?!" Masaru yells.

"That's right." A voice admits. Atsuko and a clone fly at Masaru, attacking him in a synchronized move. The clone hits him in the chest while Atsuko lands a massive roundhouse kick. The clone grabs Masaru and brings him higher up. Atsuko's aura shines brighter and brighter. "Flame Control - Sun Scorching Blast!" Atsuko shouts.

The clone explodes, throwing Masaru straight into the blast. "No..! This can't be it...!" Masaru shouts as the blast completely envelops him. The blast blows through the clouds and a massive fiery ball completely disintegrates Masaru. The clouds reform quickly and it quickly starts to rain.

Any leftover fire is quickly put out. Atsuko finds a nearby bush and lands behind it. "Hopefully someone got luckier than I did..."

Atsuko says before she quickly falls asleep.

Chapter 74 end.

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