Chapter 9 - Extraordinary Comeback

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Haruto immediately sits up. "What the hell? Didn't I die...?" He thinks. Haruto looks at the battle raging on. "Oh yeah. I remember now. I should let Seiji know." Haruto says. "Hey! I'm fine." Haruto yells. Seiji
looks at Haruto. "What!? Haruto!?" Seiji exclaims.

"You're wide open! Take this!" The woman shouts. The woman's spear clashes against Seiji's sword before he's disarmed and his left arm is servered. "Shit..! She caught me off guard..!" Seiji exclaims. "Just die, Seiji Bushida!" The woman shouts. As she tries to cut off Seiji's head, Haruto jumps up with a shining sword in his hand and the woman's hand is severed.

"W-what!?" She exclaims. "Seiji. Take a break. You've been fighting by yourself for far too long. Plus, she killed me so this is my fight." Haruto declares. "Heh. Stealing all the glory huh? That's just like you. Do your best then Haruto." Seiji replies. Seiji flies down to the ground and looks at both of them.

"How are you even flying? I know most stringers can do it with some training but a newborn like you doing so? Impossible.." She admits. "Heh. Is that really about what you should be worried about? No talking! Only fighting!" Haruto shouts. Haruto's sword shines brighter as he and the woman clash.

Haruto and the woman fly around clashing over and over. Haruto tries to cut off her head but to no avail. He throws his sword into the sky and distracts the woman. He lands a punch in on her cheek. The sword lands in his hand and he immediately slashes her.

As the woman tries to block the sword with one of her spears, the spear breaks in half, and the woman has a giant slice in her chest. "Hey! I paid a lot for this outfit! Stop ripping it!" The woman shouts. "No one is trying to do anything of the sort. Just die already." Haruto says.

"Die!? I won't die to someone like you!" woman shouts. The single spear she has left is filled with electricity and turns into a glowing electric spear. "Hear me, newborn! My name is Chi and I'll be the one who kills you!" Chi shouts. "Well... You can try." Haruto responds.

Haruto's sword glows brighter and brighter and the two clash once more. The continued impact of their swords is making massive booms destroying the ground near them. "Haruto! Prolonging this fight isn't good! Finish it already!" Seiji shouts. "Ah, right. Got it." Haruto responds.

"I had fun but it's time for you to die. So I'll kill you with the strongest move I have." Haruto declares. "Then I'll respond with the same!" Chi says. They move back from each other and then the ground starts shaking. Haruto points his sword to the sky. The clouds part and his sword is struck with lightning and is turned a bright blue color.

"All-mighty Ryujin, please give me your godly strength to kill your enemies!" Chi chants. She starts to spin her spear and sparks appear. Then a ball of energy is formed and grows bigger and bigger until it stops. "Our god Ryujin is helping me! I can't lose this.. You're done!" Chi screams.

The blast is launched towards Haruto and Haruto takes his sword and readies it. Haruto closes his eyes for a second. He deeply inhales and exhales. "I'll show you how worthless your god is. He won't save you from this." Haruto proclaims.

His sword shines bright blue like a deep ocean. "Galaxy... BUSTER!" Haruto shouts. Haruto slashes the air towards Chi. A huge blade beam starts flying towards her. "Something like that won't beat-!" Chi exclaims. Her beam is sliced in half and before Chi can even say anything she's hit by the attack and is exploded in a massive blue orb. "Hm. Wow. That kinda looks like the sun. But like, blue. Cool. Galaxy Buster shouldn't be the name of that but.... eh." Seiji thinks.

Haruto points his sword towards the blast. "Rest in peace." He declares. "Yeah so about that... She's still alive and I'm pretty sure she's at that street nearby." Seiji proclaims. As Seiji points over to an empty street. Both Haruto and Seiji fly over to the street and as they land ready to fight again, Chi stands up and bows to both of them. "I'm very sorry!" Chi exclaims.

"...WHAT?!" They both shout.

Venomous Chapter 9 END

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