Welcome to Oregon

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The definition of ruining every child's life.

Here my mother was, purposely ruining my life because of one tiny detail she decided to leave out. This tiny detail was that her friends, Elizabeth and Walter Jetson lived in a four story house on the beautiful country side of Oregon. From what I gather briefly from my mother is that Elizabeth and Walter are old family friends. My mother and Elizabeth went to school together back in Canada where she met the very dashing, rich, Walter Jetson. Both of them were well into their thirties when they met and both had a couple sons. Walter had three boys between the ages 10-14 and Elizabeth had three boys between the ages of 10-15. That makes six boys. Now teenage boys! Then they fell in love and had triplets! Making that a total of Nine boys.

Yes, you heard me correctly. Nine boys.

Elizabeth pressed her perfectly manicured hand to the door and opened it wide for me. The fresh smell of lavender filled my nose as soon as I entered the Jetson's home. The front foyer was decorated in ancient Egyptian decor. Standing here brought back some vague and dream-like memories. It was almost as if I had been here before which gave me slight peace of mind.

The layout was a main staircase which split in two. Off one side of the staircase was what appeared to be two archways and then a long hallway disappearing around the corner of the staircase. Off to the other side we're two more archways which lead to more rooms deep in the house I assumed. I drew in a big breathe of air.

"Woah, this is-incredible" I breathe out in shock.

Walter sets my bag down beside my feet and damn near startles me when he yells, "Boys! Our guest has arrived!"

"You'll have to excuse some of the boys. They're... characters of their own" Elizabeth makes a face at me and I giggle.

"Boys!" Walter calls again impatiently. He turns to me slightly, giving me a apologetic look.

"Coming!" A voice shouts back.

The voice was a bit younger and quite adorable sounding. The kid sounded no younger than four.

I was always considered the "promiscuous type" according to my friends. I would disagree. But I have to say, if one of these boys were even slightly charming or attractive we might have a problem. But if more than one was attractive, well- we're fucked.

Soon enough loud foots steps slowly being following each other down stairs. One distant boom after the other. It sounded like a stampede! One after another, they slumped down the stairs, the two oldest looking boys shoving at each other on the way down.

My stomach turned over and I felt sick suddenly. But it soon passed and I remembered who I was.

I was Kenz, I was a averagely cute with thick and short dancer legs. I mostly wore black tights and grungy tee's with the sleeves cut off. My hair was curly and chocolate brown but not totally and they were those kinds of curls that didn't know that the hell they were doing half the. I had a "perfect" nose and "unnaturally natural pink lips" and my eyes happened to be this totally rare combination of brown, but sometimes "green depending on the way the light hits".

I could handle this. At least, that's how my friends would describe me.

Elizabeth steps toward the boys who are all grouped together, some sitting on the stairs, two standing by the railing. Some eyes were on me, some were buried in their phones.

"Don't be intimidated Mackenzie, they're all big babies who still make their mother do their laundry" she smirks, running her hands through one of the boys hair and messing it up.

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