The First Day

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"You're in my sociology class!" Chasity says, "we can walk together"

Chasity was cute. She was a short girl, maybe a cheerleader? She had light caramel brown hair with pretty green eyes. She was so sweet and had cat mom vibes. Her thick clear rimmed glasses and messy bun said, "my priorities are studying day in and day out with no time to put effort in but, some how, it works".

"Who else is in that class?" I ask curiously.

She looks at me, "River and Grey are both in that class. But i'm pretty sure there was a extra desk on the opposite side of the room by me!"

"River and Grey are both in that class?" I choke

"Yea," she says sadly. "but, they actually listen in class and don't disrupt the class." 

"What?" I croaked, suddenly feeling my throat growing soar just at the mention of their names. I don't think I would be able to last a whole semester in a class with those two.

"Come on!" She says, clearly irritated by how childish I'm being about it. Has she lived in a house with these boys? "Just what ever you do, don't sit between River and Gray." That sounds faniliar..hmm.

Because I totally plan too..

I follow her into the room and sure enough, chatting aimlessly at the back of the room were River and Gray. Both boys happen to look up as we enter the room. River smiles mischievously and returns to his conversation with Gray. Great, he was going to love this.

"You must be Makenzie?" the teacher says. Chasity continues to her seat giving me an encouraging smile.

I give her a bleak smile, "yea that's me."

"Alright! Here is the course outline for the year, we are only 100 pages in with Othello so I don't expect you to be caught up for at least two days. Take your time to get settled in! I do believe that there is a empty desk at the back between..."

Don't say it, don't say it....

"River and Gray."


I slowly turn around, keeping my head down as I walk toward River and Gray. As I get to the end of the short isle, the boys turn their attention to me. River was leaning back in his chair with his arm hung over the back of it. Grey was leaning forward with his chin resting on his fists. Both of them looking a bit older than school age at the moment.

"Hey!" River teases as if he knows I am dreading this.

"Hi." I mumble as I take my seat.

"So, Mak, like the new car?" River asks, leaning across the isle, as if he wasn't close enough.


I could feel River's eyes on me, taunting me to look and play along in his game. I refused to play. As I was learning more and more about the Jetson brothers, I had zero interest in giving any of them my time. Except for maybe a couple of them. The ones that weren't trying to get into my pants were okay I guess!

"What's your problem?" Gray asks, joining the conversation.

"Nothing," I lie.

Maybe it's the fact that there is something up with this school and you're family. Maybe it's because girls literally get squamish when they talk about you.

River decides not to push any further, neither does Gray and they leave me alone. Thankfully, the teacher begins the class and I become wrapped up in the lesson and not my thoughts which were circling around and around. I was counting down the minutes till lunch when I could ask the girls more about why no one likes these boys.

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