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"I'm Agent Mobius by the way." he says smiling and insisting to shake my hand.
I just smile nervously and look back at the door of the elevator. I didn't trust him but I needed to get away from those TVA guards before they came after me for sneaking in accidentally. Don't ask how......

I walked through a guards portal out of curiosity ok!?

"What time is it? I should be getting back to my home soon, but first, what is this place?" I asked slightly nervous. He didn't respond for a few moments and then said softly "I don't know the time." He slightly giggles then proceeds "Time works differently here in the TVA, there's a lot you'll learn here kid." I frowned and said "don't call me a kid, your the real childish one here for trusting me to sneak in here." He looked at me and said "even if you did try to escape, we wouldn't be worried since we can catch you again."


"I'm y/n" I say trying to break the silence in the elevator. "Yeah? And where you from?" He responds quickly. He seemed interested in me, but I couldn't trust him no matter what. This place was extremely sketchy from the beginning I came in here. The guards even looked terrifying in there all black outfits.

"Earth huh? Sounds familiar to me."
"I bet it does, your human right?"
"Well, actually I was created by the TVA to protect the sacred timeline and keep it in perfect working order." He responds softly. His voice was very calming and soft. It was kinda cute.

"Wait M-Mobius how are we gonna walk past those guards to your office without them seeing me?" I said slightly concerned but also not since I was kinda a super human with my ability's. But I couldn't tell him I had those ability's, im scared he'd be afraid and tell a guard or prune me with his glow stick.
"Well, just walk beside me and don't make eye contact and you'll be alright." He says smiling looking me into the eyes. "Your a bit to happy which scares me, is this a death trap?" "Oh no no no, I can show you that room if you'd like though. I'm taking you somewhere to talk." He says as he adjusts his clipboard in his hand.

As we we're walking down the hallway together, a guard made eye contact with me. I felt my heart rush a little so I jolted my head forward again. I seemed to be nervously walking fast because Mobius looked at me and softly said "Hey you can relax it's ok. You can trust me." Wow. No ones ever told me to relax or calmed me down in a long time. It felt nice knowing a complete stranger in a all brown suit seemed interested in me enough to protect me, or was this place a giant scam to kill me? I didn't focus much on it and just smiled a little.

"Here's my office, we'll talk here." He says while getting the keys to the big doors of his office from the guard protecting it. While he unlocked his office I stopped in my traces and looked all around, until something caught my eye. A guard straight ahead up the small stair case was walking with another guard but he seemed to just stop and I overheard him say "how can you just let a random person go through your door? You can't let people in here. What if they find out about the time keepers?" He stopped and the other guard responded in a heartbeat "Do you really believe in these time space people though B-17?" They said sarcastically then continued "It's not true, I feel like we've been lied to."
"ENOUGH." The first guard said grabbing there wrist then in a flash I saw him grabbing out his prune stick and- and- that was it of them.

My eyes opened wide in shock. I was standing there confused just staring off into space until I felt a hand on my back and a soft voice saying "alright kid." It was Mobius insisting me to walk into his office. I did but I walked in slowly and said immediately as the doors shut so the guards wouldn't hear me "what happens after your hit with those glow sticks?" "Never tried to see." He responds walking to his little office table in the middle of his huge room. "Have a seat." He insists but I just slowly walked in looking around.

"HEY! What is this!?" I screamed as I felt some collar thing snap onto my neck from behind. "It's just to make sure you don't try to kill me is all." He says softly while shaking to show me his remote in his right hand. I didn't wanna sit down but I did, so much running from people and feeling like a freak everywhere I just wanted to chat with someone for once. Anyways he seemed fun to chat with though I was confused entirely.

"What's this?" I asked pointing at his screen projector thing on his desk. "Questions, questions, questions." He responds laughing. "Oh shut up, tell me man." I said jokingly. We made eye contact for a few seconds until he looked down and grabbed his clipboard and pen. "Y/n right?" He said writing my name down then typing something into his projector thing.

"Princess- but yes."
He looked surprised in a good way and asked "Royal? From where's that?" He giggled.
"Princess of Torridor. But I moved to Earth after my planet was destroyed when I was young." I responded in a soft voice.
"Go- go on that topic." He said curious and grabbing his pen to write. He was so kind, and sweet and made me feel so at home when I explained to him my old home planet that I got tears in my eyes.

(Torridor is a made up planet not in the MCU universe.)

He just looked me in my eyes, and tilted his head like he was trying to read my eyes and said "must've been tough huh?" I didn't respond for a few moments then felt a rush of anger and sadness go through me from my past and shouted "Talking to you is useless! You can't fix my past, you can't get him back alright?! The only people, animals who cared about me, GONE! And you wouldn't understand that, no one does man." I stood up fast but then he grabbed his remote and re-winded me to sit back down.
"What was that?!" "Ok, calm down." He responded ever so slightly laughing but not in a making fun of way. He typed something then in a heartbeat a video of my past started playing on his screen. It was me using my powers to protect my old best friend that died in the battle of Mora. My heart sunk when I realized he just found out about my powers but he didn't seem to care. He acted clueless so I said "did you not see me just using my powers?" "Oh powers like those don't work here in the TVA." How do they not work here? I attempted under the table to make green fire from my hands but it didn't work in my surprise.

After awhile of chatting, and getting used to each other he suddenly asked "Anyways, wanna go eat something for dinner?" As he got up from his seat. "I thought there was no time schedule here?" I asked but he didn't say anything.
"There gonna see me though and prune me or whatever."
He quickly responded "Oh no most of them wouldn't hurt a fly. Anyway, your with me so they wouldn't care." He was so strangely comforting...


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