Tombstone Arc, Chapter 1: It's Always Oscorp

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"Alright, I think that's all of Aunt May's work that needs to be done." Y/n drops the crate off next to the entrance of the shelter. Flags, posters, newspapers, and just color is scattered all through this homeless shelter. He walks up to the kitchen where he's told his Aunt May is at. "Hey, Aunt May?"

"Oh? Hi Y/n! I didn't even know you were here. How are you?" Aunt May says as Y/n just goes up and hugs her.

"I'm doing well. But hey, I just finished all your work! Take it easy for at least a few hours." Y/n says as she pulls away from him, looking in disbelief.

"Oh you. You remind me so much of Peter when he was a boy. You know he sees you as if he was his own son." She says as Y/n look at her in disbelief. Him? And Peter? He and MJ have taken care of Y/n way before...yeah. It makes sense. "Oh! That reminds me. MJ stopped by! If you leave now you might be able to catch her."

"Alright, thanks Aunty!" Y/n shouts as he sprints towards the twin doors of the entrance. He bursted outside as he gets a ringtone on my phone. It says the most triggering thing you've heard this year.

*Rem...I love Emilia.*

"SHE DESERVED BETTER!!!" Y/n shouted out of pure instinct and hang up the phone. Y/n got a tap on his right shoulder and saw his mother figure. She was wearing a green jacket, a gray shirt, and a bunch of necklaces. The one and only: Mary Jane Watson.

"Hey kiddo? I wasn't expecting you to be here. Was about to head home but.. well it was hard not to notice you." MJ said as she smiled at him.

"Unfortunately, I have that effect on people. I think I get it from Peter. Call it Parker luck. But what were you doing here? I thought the Bugle would be running you dry." Y/n say but she just smiled with a laugh and gave him a noogie. "Hey! Stop!"

"They are. I was investigating a scoop for the Daily Bugle. JJJ, getting old..." MJ said with a deep sigh, Y/n couldn't help but smirk.

"But somehow, he still holds his hatred for Spider-Man. Maybe because that's only why he's so popular." Y/n said as both of them looked at each other before...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!"  both laughed as MJ stopped first, shorty after he followed.

"Anyway, you need a ride to your tour for your new school?" Y/n totally forgot about that! The trip! The new school said it was to show off the equipment they used at the school. Y/n honestly could careless, if he was normal, but he hanged out with Peter Parker. So Y/n had to be a nerd to keep up with him. Luckily Conners was coming with him to the new school, he's got transferred to be a new teacher there about a year ago.

"Yes please!" Y/n begs her as she giggles and swings her car keys around her finger. And before anyone knows it, he's driving down the street with MJ. "So...what were you investigating?"

"Alright, do you know those mob boss everyone is talking about?" She asked as Y/n already had a bad feeling.

Y/n looked at her with worry. "MJ..."

"Now, now, before you say anything." MJ said before Y/n shook his head.

"MJ, getting involved and writing about gangs can get you targeted!" Y/n shouted at her. "Now, even I know something like that! Which group, Fisk's goons, Ultron's robots?"

"Right now I'm investigating a missing coworker. I'm sure it's from their gang member. After all, i had the opportunity to get sent a tape personally by them..." She said and Y/n raised an eyebrow. Was it so secret that she can't say! Well, wasn't Y/n's career to press for details.

"Just, don't play it. Once it does, it probably gives away your location, Peter taught me that." She didn't respond, it felt like she was obviously hiding something from him. As soon as Y/n said Peter, it's like she got distant. She just didn't want Y/n digging too deep and getting into trouble. Y/n tried to change the subject.

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