Angel's Sin Arc, Chapter 3: Not Like This

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"Yuri, how bad is the damage?" Gwen asked Yuri in costume.

Y/n was in his costume as well, "please tell me it's not that bad."

"If not bad is hundred of thousands of dollars, then yeah... not bad at all." Yuri stated.

"I can never tell if it's sarcasm with her." Y/n admits as Gwen held her shoulders.

"Any sights of that lizard creature Y/n mentioned?" Gwen asked as she remembered the two's conversation earlier that morning.

"One, a break in at one of Oscorp's lab." Yuri sent something. Nothing happened.

"Uh, was something supposed to happen." Y/n asked.

"Hold on, it takes a while." Gwen says as Y/n swung his arms.

"So.....Come here often?" Y/n asked as Gwen looked at him unamused.

"Here, got it." Gwen says as she looked at the two bridges. "So the explosions went off on the opposite directions than where we were."

"Yeah, I wonder if the points cross again." Y/n said.

"No, they aren't that..." Gwen says before she paused and crosses the points. Leading to the Oscorp building. "...they never learn, do they?"

"Better for us. What did they take anyway?" Y/n asked as he leaped off the building and started swinging. "They obviously planned this and wanted us to be gone. Usually with Oscorp, they want to steal something."

"The faculty won't comment on what's been stolen, we can't do much except put a look out." Yuri claimed as Yuri hummed, "in the meantime, there is something else. May be related."

"When people say that, it's usually related." Gwen stated.

"You'll hope it's not. At the docks, we found a couple of bodies, vials were scattered around. It seems like whatever they were injected with, killed them." Yuri said as the police captain sighed. "you both should log off for a while, give a chance to figure out more."

"Will do." Gwen said as Y/n got another call and landed on the roof. Gwen looked at him, "should I go on ahead?"

"Yeah, it'll take a minute." Y/n said as Gwen webbed away. Y/n answered the call with his phone. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, kiddo. Just checking to see how you're doing. You know, with your side job." MJ referring to Spider-Man.

"'s really challenging, if I'm being honest. Especially after yesterday, but...I have to be ready. I took that mask, it's my responsibility." Y/n says as MJ is seen at the Daily Bugle, in her office.

"Don't forget to be a teenager too. Try going to a party." MJ says as Y/n makes a disgusted noise.

"Ugh, No thanks. Parties are not fun." Y/n said as he started webbing to school.

"Sounds like your talking from experience now." MJ said as Y/n did a backflip in the air before shooting the webs out again.

"I've said the same thing before." Y/n tells her as he lands at school.

"Well, that was before you had a 'job'." MJ claimed as Y/n rolled his eyes, "alright, I can feel you rolling your eyes. I'm gonna go, love ya."

"Love you too." Y/n tells his mother as he hangs up. He sees that Gwen left his school bag on the roof with some clothes. "Oh, thank god for Gwen."

Y/n's Spidey sense goes off as he looks up. He sees a news drone, Y/n quickly took his bag and dove down to the streets. He swerved Webb to make a slingshot around the corner. Y/n made a loop around the school as the drone was far behind. Y/n made it to his dorm to see Miles, on the phone. "Yeah, yeah that works....7? Wait, uh, how many siblings do I have to meet? All of them?"

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