The Cat and The Spider Arc #3: Violently Attractive

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The chapter opens up to show a large school, kids were walking around to get into the school. The principal was greeting everyone. "So, there's a Midtown High School as well."

"According to Yumiko's search of Black Cat through the camera feeds, she's been spotted around this area." Y/n is seen in his casual wear with a backpack, "though, it feels weird to wear normal clothes."

"The school you attend requires a uniform, does it not?" Madame Webb remembers. "And I honestly hope you don't think you can just walk in there."

Y/n started to walk in the sea of people, blending himself into the crowd. "It'l be fine."

"Hey! You!" the principal grabbed Y/n with ease and dragged him away to his office

"Wait! I didn't do anything!" Y/n was concerned and heavily confused. "At least, not yet!"

"Trying to sneak onto campus?" the principal grumbled with a mighty stare, like Y/n was staring into death.

"I told you." Madame Webb hummed.

"Not now, Webb!" Y/n tried to lie, "you have it all wrong! I'm just a transfer student!"

"We didn't sign any paperwork for a transfer student with your face." the principal glared, "tell me who you are before I call the cops!"

"Shit, we're in a stalemate." Y/n stated, "Y/n Parker, sir! Visiting a friend!!!"

"Huh? Parker? As in Peter Parker?" the principal put Y/n down, but crouched to get a better look, "huh, so your Peter's boy, that makes way more sense now. And that new Spider-Man..."

"Um, sorry we aren't biologically related. Sorry, do you two know each other?" Y/n was now the one asking the questions.

"Eugene Thompson, or you can call me Principal Flash." Flash put his hand out, and Y/n hesitantly shook it. Flash took out a pass and handed it to the boy, "since you're here on Pete's request, it must be important. Go on ahead with the hall pass."

"Ah, thank you, sir." Y/n bowed.

"We don't do that around here, kid. Just go on and have at it." Flash walked away.

"That was rather convenient." Madame Webb exasperated.

"You're telling me." Y/n said as he grabbed the strap of the bag and wondered into the school, "we need to make sure she hadn't told anyone about our secret identity. As well as getting those files and find out her connection to Silvermane..."

"One thing at a time." Madame Webb exclaimed.

"Right. Focus on Black Cat." Y/n said and looked around. The students were all talking in their individual groups, Y/n had to avoid spit balls and people getting stuffed into lockers to move on, "I haven't felt this way since Middle School..."

"She's a rather noticeable character. Perhaps asking around would give us some insight." Webb suggested.

"Sorry, do you know a Felicia Hardy?" Y/n asked a student.

"Psh, who doesn't. She looks like a goddamn model!"

A girl sighed, "and she's so badass, I would give up. You don't stand a chance."

"Oh, no, I'm just trying to find my friend, that's all." Y/n waved his hands, "I mean, she does look good."

"Eye on the ball, Y/n." Madame Webb reminded.

"Oh, she's usually hanging around corridor 'C' with Jenny and Amy."

"Thanks." Y/n bowed.

"Is that a Japanese thing?"

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