Angel's Sin Arc, Chapter Finale: I Know...

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Oscorp at Night is seen as the camera scans down to show the street view. A man in a lab coat walks in. He walks past security without batting an eye, he takes the elevator and heads towards the place he knows well. The lights start to flicker as he walks with a determined face, but he looks down the hall to see Spidey, standing in his way once more. "So, you survived."

"Appears so, also got my mask fixed." Y/n says as he looks at Connors, "why are you here, Connors? You should have enough money and resources."

"You blocked the hospital, I can't visit my daughter so..." Connors held up a vial, "I'll just heal everyone at once."

"You're not thinking straight, Doc. Do you know what happened to those you've injected with that prototypes? They've died, Connors." Y/n told them as Connors grit his teeth.

"Not all of them! There was some that survived and cried with joy! Thanking me!" Connors said as he put his arms out, "there's already thousands of the cure out for those who want to gamble. Angel's sin is what I called it."

"But you're gambling people's lives! What right do you have!?" Y/n shouted.

"How are you any different from me, you're killing countless people who could've been healed already by standing in my way. Right now, someone in New York is dying cause of Sinner's death, cause of cancer, because of you standing in my path." Connors gripped his hand into a fist. 

"We need to stabilize the cure, we need to recall the prototypes! We just need more time!" Y/n said as Connors started running at him.

"My daughter has no more time to spare!" Connors ran and every time the lights flickered, his transformation to Lizard became more prominent. Y/n took his own Spidey Stance.

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Lizard charged at Y/n as Y/n dodged the slice and swung his fists twice before dealing roundhouse kick to Lizard's stomach, which sent the creature back. Lizard knocked into a metal pole and ripped it out of place. Y/n quickly made a web staff, "after you."

Lizard went for a thrust, but Y/n blocked it and went to sweep Lizard off his claws. Lizard hopped over it and slammed the edge of the pole on Y/n's face, Y/n quickly span the staff and did the same to Lizard. He then slammed the staff on the ground and lifted himself upwards sideways, which he used to kick Lizard back. While in the air, Y/n performed an axe kick to Lizard's head. Lizard grabbed Y/n's leg and slammed him on the ground, tossing him through the floor below. "Whoaaaaa!!!"

Y/n crashed onto a woman's computer, she looked at him, "really?"

"Sorry, I didn't choose yours." Y/n said as Lizard started to crawl through.

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