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FOUR WEEKS HAD passed, Tahani slipping out of the palace every other evening to meet Jimin

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FOUR WEEKS HAD passed, Tahani slipping out of the palace every other evening to meet Jimin.

Every time they met, she would bring over a bag of her own treats; fruits, vegetables, desserts, anything she could discretely sneak out of the kitchen. Saving some for Jimin, she gifted the delights to children, elders, and other village people who she would pass by. It became a routine, one that she started to be known for.

This time, when she arrived in Jimin's town, she had started for his home as they had planned to meet during the day for the first time in a while. On her way, however, she came across the bookstall owner as she hauled her way along the side of the road. Tahani noticed her hoarse breathing and slight limp, prompting her to rush to her side.

"Hey grandma," she quickly grabbed her arms, "Are you alright?"

The woman sent her a small smile, "Yes, I'm—"

However, before she should finish her sentence, her weak legs gave in, and she started to fall to the floor. Eyes widening, Tahani knelt beside her, taking her hand and pressing the back of it to her forehead.

"Grandma! How could you be outside when you're this sick? You should be inside resting!" the younger woman scolded, and the lady shook her head.

"I'm really fine, sweetheart—"

"No, no, you're not," looking around for help, she tried to catch the attention of someone who was walking past. Luckily, while there was no one there at that moment, a familiar figure turned the corner and froze in the far distance when they saw Tahani on the floor with the bookstore owner.

Pulling hands out of pockets, he jogged up to the two, crouching down as well.

"What happened?"

"Grandma here is unwell and isn't admitting it," she scolded again, "Could you do me a favour, Jimin?"

"Of course, what do you need?"

And with that, Tahani listed off a couple of herbs and spices, asking Jimin to create a small tonic by mixing them all together. Nodding, he quickly got up and disappeared into the nearest house.

Smiling gratefully as he left, she turned back to the older woman, "After you drink this, we're getting you home, and you are going to rest. Okay?"

"Honey, I don't need—"

"I'm not taking no for an answer," fortunately, Jimin arrived in no time and handed her the glass of brown liquid.

The lady scrunched her nose at the smell, but Tahani shook her head, "I promise it will help."

Jimin rested his hand on her shoulder as he waited for her to drink it, "She seems to know what she's talking about," he told her, "She learns about health for fun."

"Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?" she questioned sarcastically to the now-laughing Jimin.

"Quick, drink it before I get an earful," he teased, and the pair waited.

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