k a i t o x m a k i ~ p a r t 2

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(owner 1/maki, fluff, part 2)


Kaito and Maki sat in silence. Maki sometimes gave Kaito side glances to see if he was looking at her at all. It was extremely awkward. Maki didn't know what to do. Shuichi was a dead man the next time she saw him. Still, this was the perfect time to be open with herself. These feelings wouldn't just go away on their own. Maki wasn't good at opening up to people, but that was about to change. Suddenly, Kaito spoke up. 

"It's a shame Shuichi had to leave, Kokichi is so nosy!" Kaito complained. "It's still fun to hang out with you though, Maki-roll!"

Maki quickly flushed at the name, then let it slide. She was getting more used to the name as it was used. Kaito then got up off the fountain. He was taking something out of a basket on the ground. It was a red and white checkered blanket. He laid it out on the grass, and patted the blanket, motioning Maki to sit next to him. Maki slid down from the fountain and sat on the blanket. Kaito smiled at Maki's quick move to join him.

"You seem more friendly today. Any reason for that?" Kaito asked. "It's nothing, I'm just glad I'm here." Maki said calmly. Before Maki could say anything else, Kaito placed a strawberry in her mouth. Maki jumped back slightly and blushed. She looked up at Kaito and shoved him a bit. She then realized she couldn't shout back because the strawberry blocked the path for her words to escape. Kaito gave a chuckle at Maki's puffed, mad, and tsundere like face. 

Maki would never show it, but she liked that. She liked hearing Kaito laugh. It's the one thing that made her happy. He was so cute, like a little puppy. Maki had the urge to reveal her feelings. They were hurting her the more and more she kept them in. 

Maki took the strawberry out of her mouth and took an actual bite. The taste was very sweet. Very fresh. "Do you like them, Maki? I grew them myself! I put a bit of sugar on it, but besides the point!" Kaito stared into Maki's eyes, waiting for a response. His eyes shined like stars in the sky. It didn't take long for Maki to get lost in his eyes. Her world was only focused on him. Everything he said, or anyone said, went in one ear and out the other. 

Maki snapped back into reality when Kaito took her by the shoulders and shook her a bit. Her head finally stopped spinning and Kaito asked again. "Yeah, yeah they're great." Maki said. Maki knew she needed to do something to make this better. But how...? Kaito's smile began to grow. "Thanks! I have a bunch of more snacks here!" He said. He reached into the basket and pulled out a brown box. It seemed to have some sort of brand logo on it. Kaito showed it to Maki. 

"Have you heard of pocky, maki-roll?" Kaito asked. Maki had heard of it, and mostly the game associated with it. He wasn't planning to..was he? "Yeah i've heard of it, what about it?" "Did you want a stick? Theres something I wanted to try with you!" Kaito replied. Seems Maki's gut feeling was right. He did want to try it. Maki felt butterflies in her stomach. This might actually be happening. Kaito took a stick and put the bland side in his mouth, leaving the rest sticking out. "Now you bite on the other end! Ill take you from there" Kaito said, a bit muffled. Maki hesitated a bit, but eventually bit down on the other end. 

Kaito bit another part of it, inching closer to Maki. She started to blush a bit, Who knew Kaito would be the one to start this. Maki slowly took a chomp of some of stick. They both quickly started biting tiny bits of the stick, and getting a bit competitive. Maki, getting too competive, took the last big bite. This was the end of the stick, which led to Kaito's lips. Maki and Kaito's lips stayed pressed together for a few seconds, then Maki jumped away. She fell backwards, covering her face with her hands. "Looks like you won, Maki-roll!" 

Maki sat back up, legs in a diamond shape. Her hands fell in the center of her legs as she looked away. She almost looked like a child. "That felt nice." Maki slipped out. She quickly covered her mouth and looked at Kaito. He gave a small laugh. "I'm glad your happy, Maki" He said calmly. His voice was soothing, like a breeze. Maki couldn't hold it in any longer, she knew she had to let it out. Maki scooted closer to Kaito and looked him in the eyes. Kaito had a bit of a surprised look on his eyes. Why would Maki do that? She changed moods quickly..this isn't like her. Maki tried to think of what to say, instead she let it flow out. She would say what she really felt.

"Kaito. I really love you. Your energy, your smile, your laugh. It's all amazing to me. You've made me feel happy for the first time in awhile. These feelings aren't going away, so they must mean they were meant to be there. I can't get you out of my head. All night, you keep me up. I wish I didn't feel this way about you, but I do. I never want to let you go, so please just except these feelings."

Maki let out a sigh. She kept it plain and simple. "I love you." Maki hugged Kaito tightly. Kaito was left a bit shocked, but softened and hugged back. She did it. She didnt have to let these feelings pile up on her. She let out another sigh of relief. Then, Kaito gave a response. "I love you too, Maki."

They stayed in the same position for awhile. A lot of different emotions were going through Maki's head. "I know that took a lot of courage to say, so I excpet your feelings." Kaito responded. Kaito let go of the hug and Maki did to. He grabbed Maki's shoulders and asked "May I?" "Sure..thank you" Maki replied. Maki and Kaito both leaned in for a kiss. The air around Maki felt warm while the kiss happened. She felt lighter than air. It was a strange feeling, but it wasn't a terrible one. The kiss was very passionate and caring, they both had their eyes closed. Kaito took his hands and put them around Maki's cheeks, keeping her lips on his. Finally, when the time was right, they let go and just stared at eachother. Kaito gave a warm smile, while Maki's was a lot more subtle. 

Kaito finished packing up. "Do you want a ride home?" He asked. "I'd rather go home with you..if that's ok" Maki replied. Kaito looked down and grabbed Maki's hand with his free one. "I dont mind at all" Kaito said. They walked all the way to the car, still holding eachothers hands. Kaito let go of Maki's hand to open the car door. "Ladies first~" He said in a flurtatious way. He was obviously referencing the time when they were getting in the car to come to the fountain. Maki blushed, smirked and sat down. Kaito went around to sit in the drivers seat. During the car ride, Kaito asked if he could play his playlist, which Maki agreed to.

 They sat in the car, Maki falling asleep to the music filling the car. Kaito always looking over his shoulder to see what Maki was doing. When they got home, Maki had fallen asleep. Kaito went around to open her car door, then picked up Maki to carry her inside. They lived in an apartment at the time, so he used the elevator to go up. Once they got back into the room, Kaito laid Maki down on his bed and laid her to sleep. He kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Maki-roll" He tucked her under the covers and went to sleep on the couch. 

"Did you get all that? Did ya? Did ya?" Kokichi shouted. 

"I got it, I'm happy for them..I'm happy Maki got to release her feelings" Shuichi replied.

"Welp, seems like they're the newest ship in town, goodnight shumai~" Kokichi added before resting his head on his pillow.


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