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one shot - FIRST TIME
@-hollandsplanet on instagram
@-hollandsplanet on tumblr
⋆ date: 16-03-20 ⋆

#summary: your boyfriend is a worldwide actor and this is your first time going to the red carpet with him.

#wc: 1.3k

#genre: actor x reader

#an: this has been rewritten

It was a normal Monday afternoon

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It was a normal Monday afternoon. I was sitting on my and Toms's bed, eating some chips while watching Toms's live interview. Tomorrow it would be the first premiere of the newest spider man movie: a way home. And Tom, being the big superhero he is, had a busy schedule this week. And I would lie if I said that I didn't hate those weeks. He's barely home and I miss him too much. Don't get me wrong, I know how he can't do anything about it and it's just his job, but still.

I actually think it's cute how sometimes when he's finally home for a few hours he always asks if I'm alright or if something happened while he was gone, he still cares so much about me even though I told him I was totally fine when we both knew I was lying.

Me and Tom are now dating for 8 months and a few weeks. It maybe isn't that much but who cares, we love each other and that's what matters. The world still doesn't know who I am but they know that Tom is talking with someone due he never mentioned it.

One day he posted a video of Tessa licking my whole face over while Tom, Harry, and Sam were laughing their asses off on his Instagram. They couldn't see my face clearly so I was fine with it. Tom always said that he wanted to wait with telling it to the world but I always knew that deep inside him he was so excited and couldn't wait to tell the world who I belong to. Lately, he's taking little steps and I noticed that he's coming more and more open about it.  

I was watching how Tom concentratedly looked at the interviewer, thinking about every word she said, hoping he wouldn't mess up. I found myself giggling while thinking about it.  

| Tom's pov

"So Tom, last week we found a post of our one and only Iron Man talking about how all the snacks were gone, tagging u in it, could u tell us more about that night?" the interviewer asked me with a bright smile. My smile grew, thinking about that night, and before I knew it the words were all out.

"Well, u see-" I started laughing. "Me and my girlfriend are basically married to snacks so when she came over to the film studio, we stole pretty much all the snacks and ran to my van with it," I explained to them. "Oh really?" the interviewer asked me with a grin. "Yeah, it was pretty fun, u should have seen Robert's face that night, it was the funniest thing I've seen in my entire life," I answered again trying to hold back my laughter. "I can assume that's true." the interviewer answered back laughing a little bit.

"Now, let's get back to what u first mentioned?" She asked me, what got me confused, what did I say? "Uhh, what did I mention?" I asked still smiling, trying to remember what she meant. "The girlfriend part?" she asked. "Ohh, right..." fuck. Did I say that?! Why did I say that?! Oh no, no, no. "Did I say that?" I asked her laughing nervously. "I'm pretty sure u did," she answered grinning again.

Of course, she was enjoying this, now she had content. "This is live isn't it?" I laughed nervously again looking towards the camera. "Yes sir." she said. "fuck" I mumbled under my breath, pretty sure she heard that. We both laughed while I was trying to find a way to come away with this.

"Well, I assume that we're going to see her tomorrow at the premiere?" She asked while she god damn knew that she wasn't coming with me. "Well, that's not so an bad idea," I said smirking. I directly saw the confusion in her look, and it worked. I knew this girl was goddamn into me and the moment she heard about Jade she got jealous and wanted to bring a bad first impression of her to the world and I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Well... I can't wait to see her." She fake smiled at me while standing up. "And I can't wait for everyone to meet her," I said getting up with her. She began to end the live and soon enough I said my goodbye's to everyone and finally headed home. Knowing there's a pissed Jade waiting for me. 

After a good 40 minutes drive, I finally arrived home. I know what you're thinking, 40 minutes, it's a long drive, I should probably book a hotel nearby or something.

Ure wrong.
I have a lovely girlfriend back home that I can't wait to cuddle up to.

After I thanked the uber I fastly passed the dark streets in the middle of the night. I quickly searched for my keys as I arrived at the door. When I finally got in I sight putting the keys on the table before taking off my shoes.

I looked around searching for Jade knowing she would be wondering about what I said, but to my surprise, I didn't find her downstairs. So I quickly ran upstairs, opening our room, revealing my dear girlfriend passed out in my hoodie. Just what I needed.

I slightly smiled at how cute she looked before taking off my jacket and quickly joining her. I went to sit beside her, wrapping my arms around her, making her immediately turn, facing me, but still asleep. Although I knew she was a bit awake since she wrapped her arms around my waist and let her head rest on my chest, with my hands still strongly around her.

"Goodnight my love," I said before kissing the top of her head.

the next day

*switching pov's*

I slightly woke up from the few sunlights peeking from against the curtains. I quickly yawned when I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms around my torso. I turned around to be met by my lovely boyfriend. I smiled just by looking at him.

I was just admiring him for a few minutes before he also started to wake up. When he finally managed to open an eye, he looked me straight in the eyes, and a smile formed on his lips after he hugged me strongly.

I smiled back before he kissed the tiptoe of my nose. "Good morning darling." He said with that cute cracky morning voice of his.

I giggled at how he was admiring the messy curls of his hair falling off his face before he turned back to me and strengthens his grip around me. "Good morning my love." I finally said back. He smiled giving me my morning kiss before he started to stretch himself.

While he was doing that I got up on the bed just looking around, admiring the room a bit like I always did. "So, excited for the big day?" my boyfriend asked me, still half asleep.

"What do u mean, big day?" I asked him confused. "Well, it's our first time, isn't it?" He asked me, rubbing his eyes. "First time?" I asked him, still not understanding what he was trying to say.

"On the carpet." He said looking confused at me. "Oh, right," I said, finally getting it, while slowly remembering last night. "Or not?" Tom asked me, still confused. "Yeah, no it, it's my first time, just forgot." I managed to say.

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