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⋆ date: 23-03-22 ⋆

Nikki hates the holiday Halloween. As it is the day after the holiday they still go for a walk at midnight, collecting the candies Jackson, her boyfriend likes so much. As much as she wanted to stay at home, she can't say no to a cutie like that. Going on the walk, the pair go past a school. It turns out to be Jackson's old school and he wants to say hi to his teachers. The couple goes inside and suddenly it turns out to be an abandoned place.

#wc: 1.4k

#genre: reader x boyfriend

#an: this was supposed to be an english assignment: writing a ghost story but I like how it turned out so now I'm posting it on here! <3 also, i'll tell my grade the moment I get them back, just for the curious type's under you ;)

#an: this was supposed to be an english assignment: writing a ghost story but I like how it turned out so now I'm posting it on here! <3 also, i'll tell my grade the moment I get them back, just for the curious type's under you ;)

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It was a normal Friday night. I was cuddling with my boyfriend, Jackson as we were watching a movie, a horror movie to be specific. Today's date was the 1st of November, one day after Halloween, and let me tell you, I really hate that holiday. So many scary things for nongood. And believe me, Jackson knows how much I hate getting scared but still, here we are, watching a horror movie the day after Halloween.

"OMG did you see how she killed him, that was so awesome!" Jackson said as if he enjoyed it. To be really honest, he looked like a psychopath which scared me a bit.

I didn't see it because I was pressing my face against his chest. I liked how he held me like that but I was still annoyed at the fact that he chose a scary movie even though he knows that I don't like them!

"Alright darling, let's go for a walk. I wanna go get some more candies from the streets." He stated. "But, it's like two hours until midnight," I told him, not wanting to go outside at the moment, and definitely not since we just watched that awful movie.

"Come on darling, it'll be just fine. Also, I'm staying at your side no matter what, I'll always be there." He smiled, pressing me against his chest, which made me feel more comfortable. "Alright," I sighed, getting my coat.

We were currently walking down the streets, holding hands as I watched the full moon.

We walked past a few houses when we suddenly saw a big building appear on the horizon, there was a lot of mist which made it hard to see.

"Nikki, look! That's my old school!" Jackson said, pointing at the creepy building. "Yeah let's not go in there, it looks like it's haunted." I was creeped out. "Come on Nikki! I wanna say hello to my old teachers." He told me, pouting his lips. I was still not convinced that it was a good idea to go in there.

"Like I told you earlier Nikki, I'm here, I won't go anywhere. I swear to you, I'll stay with you till death separates us." He told me. "Fine," I answered as we made our way inside the creepy building, our hands still connected.

It didn't even take us three minutes to go around the big black gate as we made it to the building in front of us. We we're currently on the playground of the school when I suddenly heard some noise. "Di- did you hear that?" I asked Jackson, getting closer to him. "It's just an owl, look." He pointed to the big tree standing in the middle of the playing area. And, fortunately he was right, it was just a little innocent owl.

"Phew." I sighed, losing my grip around his arms. "Come on, let's go inside." He said to me as he slightly runned inside the building. "Jackson! Wait on me!" I shouted, being to afraid to get inside just yet. But since he was inside already I had no other choice. I rather be inside the terrifying construction with him then alone in this dark place.

I made my way inside the school's property as well, hoping to find my boyfriend. But, without any success. "Jackson! Where are you?" I yelled, hoping he would hear me. As I kept shouting I got more and more inside the school. One second led to another and before I knew it, I got lost. It took some time before I realized something. Jackson asked me to say hello to some old teacher, why would there be any teachers still at school at this time of the day? It just doesn't make any sense.

I was trying to get what was happening right now as I suddenly heared a sound coming from right behind me. I quickly turned around, hoping it was Jackson. Because he surely has some explanation to do. "Jackson? That you?" I asked, no answer. "Come on, it's not funny anymore. We both know how easily I get scared and especially the day after Halloween, right after we watch a horror movie." I roll my eyes.

"Wait a second." I think out loud. "Wait, it all makes sense, now that I think about it. Why would you bring me to an abandoned school, the day after halloween and right after we watched such a horrifying movie when you know better then anyone how scared out I always get. And why would you run into the building just to hide from me." I ask myself, knowing he could hear me.

"You- you planned all this the whole time already. You knew we we're going to watch a movie and you knew it was your time to pick one, you choose a horror movie on purpose as you knew I would agree to come to you to this horrific place and you knew it was my worst nightmare to die in a place like this one." I speak up as tears start rolling down my cheek.

"You- YOU BASTARD!" I screamed. Suddenly I hear some laughing around me. It getting louder and louder by the minute. It spreads itself by the minute as I turn in circles, trying to figure out where the laughing comes from. About three minutes the laughing keeps getting worse when suddenly it stops.

"It took you long enough, darling." I could hear his voice coming closer by the word. I quickly grabbed a metal that was laying on the ground next to me. I held it right in front of me, defending myself. "Don't you think you will get away with this, I texted Andrea and Kylie they will call the cops and they will arrive here any minute by now." I told him, trying to hide my fear from him.

And again laughing is the only thing I could hear. But this time it's different. This time, it's coming straight from him. "Darling, I don't think you get it." He speaks up. Suddenly a pitch black grim is standing not even 50 feet away from me.

"I've been planning this for months now." He told me. "Wait, it's- it's you, isn't it? The globster, it's you." Realization hitting on me. I could taste my own tears by now. "Finally!" He stated. His voice was darker, he- he didn't sound like the nice and sweet Jackson anymore. No, he sounded like a monster. "Normally the girls would've guessed a long time by now. But no, of couse you would take seven months over it- SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS NIKKI!" He yelled at me as all I could do was cry and whimper at every word he screamed.

"I couldn't stand any more time with you anymore. So I thought to do it myself this time." He told me. "I- I don't get it? The other day you told me that you don't get how people could do that to their loved ones when all this time it was you? How could you do that to other human beings?" I cried out, being the one who yelled this time. "YOU'RE A MONSTER JACKSON! YOUR A FUCKING-" and that was it. My last sentence in this life.

I couldn't even finish my phrase as the last thing I could hear was a gun shooting its fire. I fell on the ground. The only thing I could hear was one long sound. My vision was blurry. And the moment I wanted to close my eyes, some colours appeared in the blur. "Suck it darling."

It wasn't Jackson that I saw, it was a monster, a monster that sounded just like him. A monster with the exact same eyes. A monster with the exact same ears and hair. A monster that once called himself my boyfriend. A monster that will do the exact same thing to many other girls and nobody will ever stop him.

A monster called Jackson Jones.

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