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⋆ date: 14-07-21 ⋆

#pov: you got stuck in the middle of the ocean and get flashbacks of your ex. you call 911 and a young boy answers the phone. but before anything else happens your vision went black.

#wc: 1.4k

#genre: young tom x reader

I reached for my phone, hoping to death it will still work

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I reached for my phone, hoping to death it will still work. But since I had the brand new iPhone 12 I guaranteed it. After e few times of trying, I felt a sharp pain in my legs and a scream escaped my mouth.

I gave up, I knew this was useless. I couldn't do anything with those stupid legs. Then, suddenly, I remembered my and Tony's last normal chat. It was a half year ago, but I did remember it for some reason.

Back then, I had a Samsung, the Galaxy A21. Tony, my ex had an iPhone, the XR one. We always discussed which one was the best. He always told me to buy an iPhone because Samsung was broke and I always told him that there was no difference between the two.

The truth was, I did want an iPhone, really bad. But, I just didn't have the money for it, I was the broke one. That was my only big secret against him. I had a feeling for some reason that if I told him that he would leave me, which he exactly did.

I loved Tony with my whole heart. So, at the beginning of meeting him, I asked him how old he was which he answered as 25. I was a little shocked and disappointed cause he does look younger than he is.

I'm 17, which means that I'm still in college. Always when I needed to go to school, I told him that I was going to work.

One day, I was sleeping and he needed his credit card to buy some 18+ shit. He didn't find his one, so he just used mine. Normally I would never let him touch this kind of things of mine, but as I mentioned earlier, I was sleeping.

I guess you know what happened next, the thing didn't appreciate the card and said the person needed to be at least 18 to buy this thing. He thought that it was a mistake so figured it out and in the end, he needed my identification card.

I don't know what this so important thing was that he needed because if I had to do all this shit I would just forget it and buy it some other day when I did find my credit card.

At a moment he needed to scan the card and that was the moment he found out about my real age. When he broke up with me he told me it was because of the lies I kept for him, but I exactly knew what the real reason behind this was.

Now, that's behind the point. Our last normal chat was again, a discussion about the iPhone and Samsung. He told me some things about the iPhone that is better than Samsung and while he did that he mentioned Siri, now I don't know much about iPhone since I just got mine new but he told me what Siri could do, so I used that information.

For who's wondering, I got myself a pretty good job after I and Tony broke up. So that's how I could pay for the phone.

I called Siri asking her to help me out of here. Because it didn't look like I could stay here one more hour. "Siri, call 911." I crossed my fingers, hoping my phone still worked and if it could hear me. After a moment of silence, I heard Siri's sound-thingy letting me know she understood me, by repeating it. "Calling 911." What a relief.

"911, what's your emergency?" I heard a young male answer. I saw too much 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 lone star to know what I needed to do. ( I highly recommend it!! )

"Hi hello, my name is y/n y/l/n I'm in the middle of the ocean. I'm on vacation in London and rent a little boat but suddenly there was a seriously big wave and my boat turned upside down. I'm leaning on it but my leg is stuck in the propellor and I think it's broken. The propellor is slowly turning and I'm slowly going underwater. The water is already at the top of my neck. I don't know how much until I'm going down." I tried to say as calmly as possible.

"Alright y/n, it's nice to meet you, I'm Tom and I'm gonna help u get out of there, don't worry, alright." I didn't hear him that well, his voice was not clear since it was underwater. "Mhm," I answered while nodding but I soon realized he could see that. What stupid of me. "Yes, thank you."

"Alright y/n, while you were explaining to me what happened I was finding your location through the phone. I assume your phone is under the water?" He answered me. "Yes, yes it is." I answered quickly trying to take some air since the water almost reached my mouth. "Tom, you need to hurry up, I don't know how much longer I have." I tried my best to explain so short as possible.

"Got it. It's much harder to find you while your phone is underwater." He said, sounding rushed, which was great. After a few seconds of silence, he finally began to speak again.

"Found it! I'll immediately send a helicopter and the fire patrol your way, can you keep looking in the air for me?" He asked me but at that point, the water came now also in my nose and I was underwater, I couldn't reach the air, I couldn't breathe.

I tried my fucking best to go up but the pain in my leg came back and I harshly regretted it. I tried to stay awake but after what felt like hours my view went black...


I slowly opened my eyes and woke up in a small room with machines that made some noises. It didn't take me long to recognize it as a hospital room.

I tried to get up but that was harder than I expected. When suddenly I saw a brown-haired boy running through the hall, it looked like he was in a rush. He looked around him and then at the paper in his hands.

He suddenly looked me straight in the eyes. We locked eyes for what felt like forever. He eventually went to my door and knocked carefully. "Come in?" I said, do I know this boy? It's probably a nurse or something like that. The boy opened the door and peeked with his head in the room.

"Y/n?" He asked wondering if it was me. "Yes?" I confusingly answered.
He sighed in relief and opened the door revealing his whole body now, before coming inside.

"Hi, I'm Tom, do u remember me? The guy from the emergency call?" He asked, thinking I forgot. "Yeah, yeah. I remember you." I said smiling at him. What was he doing here?

He laughed quickly before taking a seat next to my bed. "After I sent the firefighters you didn't respond to me anymore. I knew something went wrong so I told them to hurry up. Thankfully they came just in time. Your phone broke our connection so I wasn't available to talk to them or you. I was worried, a lot. I mean you sounded like a nice girl and I couldn't think about what would happen to you. So after my shift ended I immediately came here. Hoping you we're fine."

He explains, I didn't know what to say. Does he care? While he only heard my sound? This boy just outed his heart for some random girl's voice? He gets thousands of calls every day, so why care about me?

I think he saw my confusion so he started talking again. "Look.. do u believe in love at first sight?" He asked now looking for the first time since he got in here straight into my eyes. "Uhm, I believe that miracles can happen so, yeah?" I awkwardly said. "Well.." He said while looking at the ground. "I thought I fell in love with your voice, and now I see you in real life I'm sure about it."

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