y/n's:it's 12 o'clock in the morning, as what the clock on the wall says. looking around the familiar room, i saw a boy sleeping on the sofa one meter away from me.
"jungwon" i softly whispered not wanting him to wake up from his slumber.
i felt my body aching when o sat up on the bed. a phone was resting on the nightstand so i took it, when i opened it the date says October 30 but that wasn't the thing that i payed attention of but the lock screen.
it was me looking at jungwon and holding a hyacinth flower while jungwon was back hugging me. the phone is clearly not mine but the picture made me smile widely.
jungwon gave that to me randomly, there's no special occasion or anything he just entered his room holding a hyacinth. i can still recall what happened that day.
i woke up late and jungwon's not here in the room anymore. i looked for him in the bathroom, the closet and even under the bed but he wasn't there. ghen suddenly the door of the room bursted open revealing the guy i'm looking for.
"where have you been?" i sat down on the bed and waited for him to speak.
jungwon scratched the back of his head before walking towards me, "uhmm, i bought something"
he took out the thing that he was hiding behind his back and placed it in front of me, waiting for me to take the hyacinth flower "what's this?"
"that's a token of love and admiration" he cheekily smiled when i took the flower from his hand.
"that's sweet but cringe" i said and laughed at his expression.
he was pouting and sulking when he sat down beside me, "can you at least try to appreciate my effort? i woke up early just to buy that and this is what i'm gonna get? i'm already happy when you that's sweet but why must you add the word cringe?"
i fell in a fits of laughters at his sudden outburst while he just continued to pout beside me. the door swung opened revealing ni-ki who's holding his phone, recording what just happened. he even took a picture of me and jungwon before going out of the room telling the other boys the scene that he just saw.
come to think of it, hyacinth symbolizes love and happiness.
i smiled at the boy that's sleeping in front of me, i'm sitting down on the floor while jungwon's lying down on the sofa. he's so cute. i stood up and sat at the little space on the sofa before completely lying down beside jungwon.
he didn't wake up but moved slightly, i was using his arms as a pillow and wrapped my arm around his waist. i gave his nose a little booped and he scratched his nose, eyes still closed.
i snuggled my face on the hollow of his neck and shoulder, giving it a small pecks and that's when he finally fluttered his eyes open. looking at me as if he just saw a ghost, almost pushing me off the sofa but i warned "don't"
"are you...are you really awake now?" his eyes were big and almost dropped out of its socket and his hand covering his mouth. "i missed you"
with that he didn't hesitate to leaned in and placed his lips on my forehead. i run my fingers through his soft cheeks, trying to take in every detail of his being with my eyes when he planted a kiss on my nose making me smile.

Words || Y. Jungwon
Fanfictionit's like a magic, a wish that will immediately come true if a single word escaped y/n's lips. for other people it is a prodigious thing to have but for her it is a curse, an everlasting curse. yang jungwon despised witches but what will happen if...