24: Party Rock Anthem

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The tutoring session went incredibly well, not once did I eye-raped Nick. I was really proud of myself, and proud of my progress in calculus too, of course. I truly think I might get a good score on the next test. Fingers crossed.

We also finished our history group work Thursday. We had already printed the final paper and turned it in. Now we only needed to prepare for the final presentation.

And so, came on Friday, the day of the party. We decided to turn the party into a sleepover and Tyler promptly offered Nick's house for it. Nick didn't complain though, he never did, and simply shrugged at the idea. I swear I don't know why he puts up with Tyler's shit.

The first point of order was to elect our designated driver. Tyler said that because it was I, Micah, and Noah's first real party, we should be free to drink as much as we wanted, so he volunteered himself. Nick decided against it as he didn't trust Tyler to keep away from the alcohol and volunteered himself instead.

With my bag ready I was making sure I looked, well, acceptable, when I heard the honk of a car. I picked up my bag and ran down the stairs, swiftly kissing my parents goodbye. Nick's Mustang was waiting for me and Noah in all its glory. We put our bags in the trunk and took the two places left in the backseat. I of course, as the smallest and thinnest, had to sit in the middle.

The car was filled with excitement, Tyler telling all of these tales about parties he went to while Nick shook his head in disbelief. The ride to the party was fast and once we got out of the car Tyler stopped us.

"Remember, we leave no man, or Angel, behind! We go in together we go out together. Now have fun kids," he said, finishing with a war cry.

As soon as I stepped into the house I was engulfed by the smell of beer, sweat, and cigarettes. I felt my throat scratch from the smoke, and I remembered why I didn't like these parties in the first place. I was looking around when Tyler's hand pulled mine and guided me to the kitchen. The countertops were filled with drinks, all containing alcohol. My eyes swiped the room looking for something that wouldn't get me drunk in vain. Tyler poured me a cup of beer. I took a sip, I hated the flavor and grimaced at it.

"You'll get used to it," he said, but I didn't want to. I decided I would hold on to that cup, that would be the only one I'd drink.

We formed a small circle and Tyler gulped down his beer and filled his cup again. Nick warned him to not overdo it, a cup with what looked like coke in his hand.

"Where did you get that?" I asked him, but he couldn't hear me over the loud music. So I got closer and stood on my tiptoes to get closer to his ear and asked again. My heart beating strongly in my chest either from following the bass coming out of the speakers or from feeling Nick's strands of hair in my skin. Jeez! That was one sip, I couldn't possibly be drunk already.

Nick pointed at a corner in the kitchen that I hadn't noticed before. I thanked him, not sure he would hear but hoping he would read my lips, and set myself in the direction he gave me. I thought alcohol would help me loosen up a bit, I didn't want to get drunk though. My mother warned me against it, especially after she agreed on the whole sleepover thing.

Nonetheless, I took the sprite bottle and poured it into my cup, mixing it with my beer. One of my older cousins told me once it made it taste better. I took a sip but wasn't satisfied with the flavor, so I added a bit more. Now we're talking!

I turned back to see that whole my friends were gone. So much for 'staying together'. I scanned the room and eventually spotted Nick, leaning against the kitchen counter, a girl literally throwing herself at him. She ran her hands up his arm and I couldn't help but frown at that. I took another sip of my drink and for some reason decided it was a good idea to interrupt their moment.

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