5: Sorry but not sorry

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"How long?"

"I've noticed it a while ago, but from the looks of it I would say he has been watching you since we greeted Micah."

I glanced back at Nick whose eyes were still fixed on me, a stoic expression on his face. What did it mean? Was he mad at me? Should I apologize to him?

It's too late to apologize, too laaate.

Shut up stupid sleep-deprived brain. Now it's not the time to remember old songs.

I do love One Republic though.


"On what?" Noah asked.


"You said to focus."

"Did I say that out loud? Sorry, I was having an internal argument."

"About what?"

"Do you think he's mad at me for yesterday? Do you think I should apologize? I mean what if I have a target on my back now?"

"I don't think it would make any difference. If you're on his bad side you're done. There was a guy, before you transferred here, what was his name... Rex? Yeah, that's it, Rex. Well, I don't really know what happened, but basically, he said something Nick didn't like. The next day he showed up at school with a black eye and broken nose. Next thing you know he transferred schools. Everyone says it's because of Nick. Still, it doesn't hurt to apologize. Worst case scenario you stay on his blacklist?" 

"Right. I'm going then."


"Why not? You're right, I'll get it over with and won't need to think about it anymore."

I set myself and walked with determination to the table Nick, Tyler, and Micah were sharing. As I approached Micah expression turned into panic, which I thought was an overreaction, but I offered him a reassuring smile nonetheless.

"I need to talk to you," I said looking straight at Nick's eyes. I never realized they were hazel until now. It's probably the effect of the canteen's halogen lights. Surprise flickered across his face, he quickly glanced behind me. I followed his gaze until he caught my attention again.

"Not now," he asserted, completely recovered, back to his signature stoic expression.

"It won't take long, I promise," I insisted.

"I said not now," he spoke in a menacing tone and I narrowed my eyes at him in response, still not moving from where I stood. "We'll talk later. I'll find you after school. Now leave," he firmly ordered.

"Fine," I said with the bitchiest tone I could use. I turned on my heel and went back to my table. "Asshole."

"How was it?" Noah asked as soon as I sit back down.

"It wasn't. Mr. Egotist can't be bothered at the moment," I explained using my bitchy tone. "But he freed up his schedule and we'll have our meeting after school."

"Could you reschedule it for tomorrow?" Noah asked, amused.

"I don't think so. See Mr. E. is very busy. Why?"

"I have to pick up Cole from school."

"Right, I completely forgot about that." I paused for a moment, weighing my options. I didn't want to go back to their table. "It's okay, don't wait for me."

"Are you sure?"

"Totally, I'll just call my mom or something to pick me up, no biggie. I rather do it now and never speak to him again," I said, taking a bite of my tuna sandwich.

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