Chapter 26- OMFG

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***Megan POV

Louis and Harry stood there glaring at Nathan. I had to admit at one point I did get to meet them personally which was really cool. Nathan still glared at Lou and Hazza like he was disgusted. Caitlin cleared her throat and we all looked at her.

"Nathan this is my friend Harry from high school and that is his fiancée Anna. Next to Harry is his best friend Louis whose wife Megan is pregnant aka how I meant up with him again."

Nathan glared at me confused. "You're that girl who sang the acoustic version of glad you came right you're the girl we met and got you to go up stage to sing right?"

I laughed. "Yeah"

"Wow last time we saw you you had black hair and scars all over your wrist."

I turned my wrists over to reveal the scars.

"They never left."

Nathan laughed to himself clearly happy he had just realized how he could get Louis pissed off. Louis kept glaring at me clearly upset I was talking to Nathan.

"Oh so wait your married to Lewis and you liked us first that is just hilarious. Hilarious that you liked there rival and you probably had a poster of me oh wait you did because I gave it to you. You probably had a shit load of posters of us and such a tiny little bit of one direction so you can throw shit at them and now you're married to one hilarious it's just so peachy keen isn't it."

That was when Louis lost it he went into full blown I'm about to kick your ass rage mode.

***Louis POV

I went straight over to Nathan and punched him in the face. I was pissed not only was he laughing that Megan was engaged to me he was perfectly trying to make me pissed off. We started to fight and Megan and Caitlin were trying to stop us but it was a little late for that we were full blown out fighting. Anna and Harry were busy doing their own fighting make out session to notice the fight. Then Megan and Caitlin went to a new level trying to break us up. Eventually they got hit pissed and left this was one hell load of something we were going to need to work out together. So we can get Megan and Caitlin back considering they walked off.

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