Chapter 64- clues

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***Anna POV

I finally was able to leave the girls and from what I saw when I leaving so did the Tomlinson's. when I got to my hotel I heard giggling in the other bedroom and I groaned in disgust. How were they still able to do stuff like this when they were expecting? God I would never know. I walked into The room and harry wasn't there but a note was. Figures he would try to make this seem as romantic as he could. Well we were in Paris.


When you walk out of the hotel take a right and follow the road until you see the small park on the fifth tree you see you'll find another note.


I sighed but followed his instructions. When I got there I found the next note.


You got to note two! Yay for you! You know where you are going to go next? The Eiffel Tower! There is a note there for you that the main desk has


I sighed but hauled a taxi. It took me about half an hour if there wasn't traffic. It took me two hours to get there. When I was there the person gave me the next note.


Do like how I am constantly changing how I address you? I think I'm just that creative. The main desk is going to give you the key and your going to

Climb all the stairs there's about 1710 stairs and there are 5 random notes I put they will all be combined clues figure it out love!


I groaned. I had to climb that many steps. You had to be fucking kidding me! But I started. about five minutes after I found the next note.


Haha that's my name too!

Rises in pictures new and old meet me there and we can be bold

- harry

Did he just write a poem? I was lost but okay didn't give me enough information to figure it out. Ten minutes later I found the next note


OMG! I love that name wifey Anna hahahaha.

Gene Kelly was an American he was a marvelous actor. Sadly I have only seen two movies by him. Singing in the rain is the only movie I finished since Megan forced me to watch it. So Im not sure if he ever ended up coming here in the other movie I watched. Hint. AMERICAN


What the fuck? That's really confusing I don't even understand what that meant was he trying to confuse me about this? I thought he was trying to be romantic but I think he was just trying to outsmart me.

Another ten minutes and I was Hal way up to the top of the Eiffel Tower and I found the next note.

Mother of my future children-

Well that's more of a fact then a name but I like it!

Take a step back and turn to look. The view is so incredible huh? It's perfect! Just like you! I wish I had a picture of that view with you forever (okay this isn't a clue sorry)


I guess he could be sweet. Another ten minutes went by and I found another look.


Okay I don't know how to give you anymore more clues without giving it to you so go back and think a out the gene Kelly one I have only seen two of the movies what could possibly relate to this

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