Chapter 81- Fancy smancy wedding

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***Anna POV

(August 28th)

Anne and my mother, Patricia were helping me get ready putting the dress on. It was all shooshy and to be honest, I absolutley positvely hated it. I am not an over the top girl in fact I am just really simple and it was nice. Anne and my mom had chosen the dress while we were on tour and i wasnt going to disrespect them telling them that i didnt like the dress because its common courtesy. To be honest i absolutley admired the veil though. It had a peacock feather and was kind of vintage looking and it didnt go over my face which i liked. They had put me in 5 inch heels. Why? Lord knows why they made me taller than Harry which the boys would tease him about later. But the were total sparkle. And when i mean sparkle.... I mean layer under layer of sparkles. But i was told they were made just for weddings and again Anne and my mother picked them out and you never want to complain with my mother. The final thing was something Megan had given me for an early birthday present. It was a silver locket in the shape of a heart. It was engraved in the back with my name and Harry's and both of our wedding dates. It had a really cool pattern and it fit to the cravess where the dress dips. It was all too good to be true. The next thing that was on ther list was make up. I has slightly glossed lips, a silver like gray eyeshadow with a hint of blue closer to the bottom of my eyelid, the eyeliner was the same blue as the hint of eyeshadow that was there, mascara was black because thats what the put on me, a slight blush because i was told the apples in my cheeks needed to be rosy, no fondation though. They said that the foundation would just ruin my skin and i didnt mind because i didnt want to drown in it either. My hair as you would say was simple but effective. It was all curled slightly then with alot i mean A LOT and to give an example of how much it would be more than what Zayn uses every morning and that my friend is a super bottle where he gets a bottle that size i dont know. But they used that much so that they could stick all my hair under that little veil hat hair piece thing. It was absolutley gorgeous.Anne and my mother left and Megan came in. She rebeled agaisnt the dress saying she wasnt going to wear a long dress while she was pregnant and much less a pink dress. We went and got her a dress but we got her a pink one it was a light blush pink and it had a black ribbon right under the chest area. She matched that with a pair of Stuart Weitzman plain white flats. She was simple as well no makeup and her hair was in a bun with a flower on the side.

"Hello earth to Anna"

Megan shouted in my face.

"What huh?"

"Are you ready?"

"Been ready for ten minutes now"

"Good now come one lets go"

"Arent you the first one to walk with Louis"

"Yes then Ally then Shaylin then Shania your maid of honor then YOU so come on we got to move. Move move move"

I rolled my eyes. It seemed like she was in combat yet it was just a simple wedding. Everyone came up and it was my turn to go and walk as soo as here comes the bride came on. I looked up to see Harry and his cheeky smile next to Harry was the rest of the boys because he couldnt choose a best man. I laughed silently in my head.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we gather here to witness Harry Styles and Anna Calhan in holy matramony."

The preacher went on and on till finally it was time for our vows we promised each other that we would write different vows for this one.

"I Harry Styles take the beautiful and wonderful Anna Calhan to hold forever to cheerish forever to love forever. To never forget her birthday. To have random pillow fights, to cheer you up when you said, to make even a rainy day seem like an enjoyable day. I want to make these years from here on out the best god damn years of my life"

From the front row you could hear Harrys mom cough 'langugue' and we all laughed. Then it was my turn.

"I Anna Calhan take Harry Styles to take his twix bars when im hungry and watch him complain. To have the random days with him. To try to accomplish getting the randomness hashtag to trend on twitter. To stay happy for my lifes end. To try not and freak out about fish with. To laugh with to love with to hold with."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride."

The preacher said and harry came over to me and before he kissed me whispered.

"I have been waiting to do this forever"

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