Part 24:The End.

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It's been 3 months since Beakhyun,Jimin and Felix were admitted to the hospital. They are slowly getting recovered and stabled. I decided to go visit them and bring some food for them. I called out a cab and told him to drive me to xxx hospital. I ordered 4 boxes of spicy and Cheezy chicken and tobeokki to the hospital. As soon I arrive at the hospital,the food arrived. I picked up the food and went to visit them.

As i was nearing the door to their ward,I heard voices from inside. It wasn't Beakhyun,Felix nor Jimin's voice. I decided to knock and went in. There stood a guy. A guy who saved their lives. Han Jisung was standing there and smiling at me.

Jisung:Hey y/n!how have you been?

Y/n:Jisung?I'm alright..when did you arrive?

Jisung:Oh just a few minutes ago.

Y/n:Ah..I see.Hey guys,have you guys eaten yet?

Jimin:Nope.Did you bring food?*smiles*I'm kinda starving..ehehe

I let out a little smirk. I took out the boxes and placed it on the table. I unboxed the chicken and put them on paper plates that i brought from my house. I gave out the chicken parts and gave them.

Beakhyun: Aren't you gonna eat?

Y/n:Oh no,you guys eat first.I'll eat later.*smiles*

I looked at Jimin. I was hesitant to ask him. But i had to. It was and is the best for him.



Y/n:If i ask/tell you this..please don't get mad ok?

Jimin:Uhm..It depends on what you ask/say.

Y/n:Ok..I know you won't like this but..after you are discharged from the hospital..I was thinking..maybe I could bring you to see a psychiatrist?and maybe bring you to a place or someone that can help you with managing your anger?

Jimin placed him plate down on the table.His face looks unimpressed.He looks like he could blow up any second.Before he could say anything,Felix interrupted.

Felix:You know hyung,Y/n is is best if you visit the psychiatrist and the anger management services.That way,your able to learn how to control your anger?and maybe,who knows you could also control your "craziness"?

Jimin:You guys think I'm crazy?

Y/n:N-no not like that.It's just that..I-I want to see you happy..and less abusive and angry..that's all...I'm not calling you crazy or anything.It's just for the best..I mean if you don't want i-it's fine..I'm not forcing you to agree with me..

Jimin stared at me.My heart was pumping fast.I am scared and nervous.He could just beat me at any second and any minute.Jimin the look down.

Jimin:..if you think it's the best for me...then ok.I'll agree to your suggestion.I too want to change.I want to be less abusive..and crazy.I don't want anyone to be scared of me anymore.. especially you,my little little angel.

Everyone except for Jimin were speechless.We all looked at each other and smiled from ear to ear.We were happy that Jimin wants to change.

Felix:That means we can live like a normal person right?No more fighting and hitting right?

Jimin:Don't make me change my mind.*smiles*

Felix:ok ok I'm sorry.*laughs*

We all are the chicken and chit chatted for hours.

*5 hours later...*

I look at my watch and it was 9:30pm.I decided to clean up and go home.

*After cleaning..*

My Abusive and Psychotic brother||Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now