My Little Siren +KNF+ 🍏

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I will do a 2nd part of the QNF story, but I had an idea with this ship ;)




I ran as fast as I could, my breath was running out, was this really how I would die?


I felt the tears running down my cheeks, the sounds of armor clanking in the distance, and the person I loved trying to find me.

Dream, he was responsible for everything, he was the one who cheated on me, and then threw me away.

He was the king of a great town, the town of the emerald.

I was his fiancé, I believed that he loved me.... I thought we could have had a happy ending, but that all changed when he made out with my personal guard, Sapnap, aka, also my best friend.

When they saw me, Dream tried to get rid of me, but I ran out of the castle with any chance of survival, but to my misfortune, I ended up in the forest, with no food, no water, and no one to 

talk to, I was beyond dead.

The more I ran, the deeper I went into the forest, until I came across a small lake, around it there were a lot of flowers, all kinds of colors, but I could not see their beautiful colors, after all, I was color blind.
I approached the small lake to drink some water, the soldiers were on my heels, I did not even 

know if I could get out of here alive.

I sat down in front of the small lake and my tears fell into it, and out of nowhere, a light started to shine, my mind was in shock, was this some kind of witchcraft?

My body was being sucked inside, I had a tremendous urge to jump into the water, after all, if I jump in, there is no chance they will find my body.

My mind was still sailing, until I heard a guard behind me.

"The king has given us orders, so you'd better come here, your death will be quick and painless, so, are we going to do this by hook or by crook?" The knight spoke, pointing a sword at me.

It would be best to listen to him, so I stood up looking at him, but when I went to take a step forward, a hand dragged me towards the lake, the guard shouted at me, but I couldn't hear anything.

The only thing I could see was a blue light, it was getting closer and closer to me, would this be my death? could I be happy in the afterlife?

Hands began to surround me, and one hand rested on my cheek, and passing it slowly, something rolled against my legs, and then I felt something warm against my lips ... It felt good, I felt protected.

The last thing I saw was a beautiful man with brown hair and a chubby face, he.... He was kissing me, it felt so good, at least I will die loved.


No, I wasn't dead?

My eyes widened, I was still underwater, but I wasn't drowning? My vision was perfectly fine, what the hell?

I looked around and realized that the same boy who had kissed me was standing in front of me, holding a necklace in his hands, but the boy.... He had a-

A tail? Wait.
A mermaid? So the legends were true.

"Are you all right?" The boy sounded worried, not only by his voice, but by his face as well. "My name is Karl, and as you can see, I'm a mermaid, I saw you looking a little sad up there, and when I heard they were going to kill you, I just couldn't resist throwing you down here with me, you're in my house."

"This cave is your home?" I was still in shock at what this guy was telling me.... Well, Karl, but his appearance said it all.

"The lake itself, it's fine when you get used to it, I have no neighbors, no friends, so I hope you like me! We could live happily!"

-Happy? -

"H-how did you make it so that I could breathe underwater? Are those mermaid powers?"

"Exactly, you're very clever! You've heard of us before?" Karl swished around me, and his tail 

curled back toward my legs.

"In the legends, but they paint you evil, they say you enchant men and then take them under the sea and..."

"Devour them? You're not wrong, but then there are mermaids who aren't like that, like me, for example."

"And how can I trust you?"

"Well, because in principle, I would not have given you the ability to breathe underwater, and two, because I think you're cute, I would like to live with you for the rest of eternity, the bad thing is that at the moment you are not immortal".

"Sure duh, we mermaids are immortal, guess my years."

"Uh... I don't know? 121?"

"How few! I'm 1420!"

Did I hear right? 1420?! YEARS?!

"And I guess you're around 21-24, right?"
"Yes. 22"

"And your name? I have introduced myself! I'm Karl!"

"Yeah, you said it, and my name is George, George Henry Davidson."

"What a nice name!" Karl rested his head on his shoulder and then hugged me.

"I'm sure we can be friends forever, and ever. You'll never leave me, will you?"He sounded strange, it's like I never had anyone, I felt a bit sorry for him, being alone for over 1000 years is a bit fucked up, normally people would have gone crazy, but this guy is decent.

"Sure, friends."

Karl's head came up to my ear, then he whispered:

"Or something else~"


Karl swam away and after a while I tried to catch him, but I completely failed, It seems that Karl saw that I was having a hard time swimming, because I noticed hands on mine gently guiding me through the water.

"You're so cute, has anyone ever told you that?"

I noticed that my cheeks were turning red, and my heart was pounding strongly.

"Actually, yes... But I like how it cames out of your mouth, It sounds so sweet"

His cheeks were turning red so quickly, and he smiled at me, It was the most pure smile that I have ever seen.

I don't mind to give him my life.

1015 Words.

Ayup, KarlNotFound Your honour <3

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