My tragedie +WNF+🍏

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TW: Death, Bombing, Anxiety.


"Honey I've already told you, today is an important day! And I'm getting promoted! Surely we don't have to worry about Fundy's education anymore, he will go to a proper school" I was getting ready for work, my husband was in bed playing a board game with our son Fundy.

"Mhmm, I know, but can't you do it another day?I mean, we could play some board games? And other things?" my husband said in a hoarse voice, I looked back. "And besides it looks like it's going to rain! You tell him Fundy" Wilbur was wearing a yellow sweatshirt, his hair was disheveled, it made you want to touch it.

I watched as Wilbur whispered something in Fundy's ear. "It's true! You're never home!" another whispered. "And you don't play with us" Fundy finished. "Sorry Mommy, Daddy told me to tell you" Wilbur made an offended sound, and Fundy and I just laughed.

"It's 6:57, I have to go now! The train is probably already there" I put my shoes on as fast as I could "Honey you know our house is down from the station" He looked out the window we had by the head of our bed. "Yeah though, you better hurry" Wilbur finished. "Bye guys! I love you!" I gave a quick kiss on the lips to my husband, and one on the head to my son. They both waved goodbye and I grabbed my purse, keys, and purse.

I went down the stairs quickly and opened the door leading to the street, some cars were passing quickly, at this hour people should already be at work, some of them clueless.... Like me. I ran between the cars when they stopped, and reached the train.

"Good morning George!" A blonde haired girl greeted me. "Hey Niki, a ticket please" She smiled sweetly at me and handed me the ticket, I handed her the money and we both got in and sat down together. She worked at the train communication center, and she was one of my best friends, as I see her every day I come here, she is quite nice to talk to, she always has an interesting story to tell.

I noticed that the train started to move, and with that, I struck up a nice conversation with the lady next to me. "And tell me Niki, have you found someone yet?" She looked at me sadly, but then a glimmer of hope croaked her gaze "Well you'll see! There's a guy who left his wallet yesterday, and they sent me to give it to him, and he was quite friendly! But I didn't see him as anything more than friends, I got his number too!" She spoke excitedly, and it made me smile. "I was glad!"

A comfortable silence settled between us, with only the sound of the train and the sound of people. There were children crying, there were grandmothers gossiping, and elegant men heading to work. Of all of them, there was one person in particular who caught my attention. This guy... Or girl, he had a black sweatshirt and a black mask, he looked in the reflection of the train window, he had a lost look, but also genuine.

"... so?" I heard Niki's voice echo, and realized that e had asked something. "S-sorry Niki, can you say that again?" My attention returned to Niki and I turned my attention away from the strange silhouette. "I had asked, how were you and your family, is everything better now?" A look of concern flooded Niki's face, and I just sighed and leaned back. "Well, I'm getting a promotion at work today, so I'll pay better, we can finally get Fundy into a better school" I said with a hopeful tone. "I'm glad, and WIlbur?" She said. "Wilbur has an interview this afternoon, we called his father to stay with Fundy to keep an eye on him."

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