Chapter 7

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Tonight, M dreamed of death.


He's walking on a battlefield. Dead corpses lie motionlessly across the bloody ground, to which M recognises some of them as his fellow soldiers in the military. He continues walking along past the bodies, until he sees his brother...

His brother is standing in front of a man whose back is turned to M, with a gun pointed at him. M feels paralyzed in his place, unable to save his brother standing at gunpoint. He stares at his brother as he braces himself for the shot, but his brother turns to look at him, his pupil gone, his lips moving. M can hear his words in his mind.

You abandoned me. Traitor.

And then comes the bang. M blinks as he watches his brother drop dead on the ground, joining the corpses. His crimson fresh blood flows from his wound like an endless river until it reaches M's shoes. M glances down at it, then up at his brother's murderer. Though he can only find the coal black eyes staring back at him.

His own black eyes.

M takes a step backward. Impossible.

You killed me. He hears his brother's voice. Repeating like an echo in his mind.


A few hours after he had woken up, M leaves the duke's manor after finishing his chores, and heads towards the bar. Upon hearing the servants gossiping and whispering about a murder incident at the masquerade ball for the crown prince, M is determined to hear everything from Siren.

As soon as he opens the door to the bar, he's greeted with the familiar sound of laughter, shouts, and the smell of alcohol reeking in the air.

Siren's standing at the bar talking with a hooded man as she prepares him his drink. M cuts his way through the crowd of drunken men and women, muttering apologies as he bumps into some.

"-don't ye'?" M hears the last part of Siren's sentence, as he comes in hearing distance. The man she's talking with, adjusts his cloak over his head, taking a quick look behind himself.

He then gets closer to her and says, "I'll tell you later," as he takes the drink from her outstretched hand.

M clears his throat from behind the man, uneasiness filling him to how close the man is to Siren. "Oi', Siren."

Siren turns to look at M, and a smile lights up her face, "Ahoy',
M." She cheers her greeting as she wipes her hands on her apron, "the usual?"

"I didn't come to drink. We should talk."

"Mhm." She acknowledges quietly before she takes off her apron, and yells, "I'm taking a five minute break, Cad!", before she signals for M to follow her through the back door.

"So?" she questions as she starts walking through the back alleyways of the bar.

"I heard someone died at the ball yesterday. You went there right?" M says as he straightens his coat.

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