Chapter 6: The Kidnapper

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Ray's POV
After (Y/N) passed out, I carried her body to my car. "Take me back to my home" i commanded and he started driving. I look at (Y/N) sleeping peacefully and I hugged her.

'So warm.....i miss you so much, my love' I thought and kisses her cheek. 'Why is she so adorable' i asked myself and caressed her cheeks. 'She's all one else's...' I thought and cuddle her.

Once we arrived at my mansion, I carried her body to my room.

Ray's house (mansion)

I put her onto my bed and went to the kitchen to make some refreshments for her

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I put her onto my bed and went to the kitchen to make some refreshments for her. Even though I have a chef to do it, i wanna make it for her. 'Hopefully she thinks im sweet....cause I am....but only to her....' I thought as I began mixing the flour with eggs.

"Sir! You don't have to cook! I'll do it!" My chef said and I sighed. "Its alright...i want to do's for someone special..." I said and he nodded understandingly. "Alright then sir..." He said and walked back to the kitchen.

Few hours later~

(Y/N)'s POV
I began to wake up and look around. I was in a fancy room. 'Wasn't I kidnapped?' I thought trying to recall everything.

Ray's bedroom

The room was white in colour and had some couches by the paintings

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The room was white in colour and had some couches by the paintings. Suddenly, the door opened and I quickly pretended I was still asleep.

"(Y/N)? Are you awake yet?" A soft voice said and it sounded like.....Ray! The bed tilted slightly due to his weight and he began stroking my head.

"...." Silence filled the room. I began to open my eyes and sat Ray smiling. "'re awake..." He said. I sat up and looked at him. "You kidnapped me!" I said and began walking towards the door.

He caught my hand and pulled me back down. "I know...but I did it for a good cause..." He said and I sat down...trying to find an explanation.

"Do you remember a fat boy when you were young?" He asked me and it was then realization hit me. This idol is my childhood friend, Ray. They were the same person.

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