Xander's Ending

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Yay! I published my new book. Please go check it out. The title of the book is
Obsession (Yandere King X Reader). Vote too please.

(Y/N)'s POV
"BAM!" The door flying open to reveal Xander standing there. "Let her go!" Xander said spitefully. King Boody only smirked and crashed his lips onto mine.

My eyes widened in shock. "You bastard!" Xander shouted and a fist came colliding onto King Boody's face. "She is my fiance. You are not to take her away from me" King Boody said while standing up.

Xander carried me and immediately junped out the window. "Ah!" I shouted and wrapped my arns around him.

He put me down and grabbed my hand. We ran into the dense forest and I started to look behind as I heard Kanato and Ray.

"(Y/N) is mine! Touch her and I'll kill you!" Xander shouted and hugged my figure. "Guards! Bring me his Head!" Kinda Boody commanded his army of soldiers.

Xander began to punch and kick all the guards. All the guards died one by one in his hands. "You!" Xander said and stangled King Boody.

"Xander! No! Stop It!" I said while tearing up slightly. Its bad enough watching all the poor guards die. "Stay out of it!" Xander said and glared at me.

I nodded and closed my eyes. As I did, I heard the shrillest scream in my life. I covered my ears instantly and soon opened my eyes.

King Boody's was shot by Xander's arrow. The arrow soon exploded and thus, King Boody was exploded into pieces.

Suddenly, Ray tugged me away from Xander and ran even deeper into the forest with me.

"(Y/N)!!" Xander shouted, realizing i was gone from his side. He rushed after me and finally managed to reach me. "Let her go!" Xander said angrily.

"No! She's not yours!" Ray shouted in return. "Yes she is!" Xander said and shot and arrow into Ray's arms.

Ray's arm exploded and he fell to the ground in pain.
"You are dead meat!" Ray attacked Xander. 

While Ray and Xander were fighting, Kanato looked at them with no emotion in his eyes. "(Y/N)...I'll protect you from those two..." Kanato whispered.

"H-How?" I asked in fear. "By ending their lives..." Kanato said and I could've sworn I saw him smirk at the last sentence.

"No! Not you too!" I cried as I begged him not to fight. "Im doing this for you!" Kanato said and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Kanato..." I mumbled as he broke the kiss. Then, Kanato ran into Ray and Xander's direction. Kanato took out a knife and tried to stab Ray but failed.

Xander aimed his arrow at Ray and Kanato and fired his shot. His aim was accurate and managed to pierce through Ray and Kanato's heart.

I looked away as I didn't want to see any more. I shivered in fear and fled from the scene. As I ran away, I spotted an abandoned cottage.

Without giving a second thought, I ran into the cottage. I ran upstairs and found a room. I hid in the closet and began shivering.

"Oh, sweet innocent (Y/N), did you really think you could escape me? Silly girl, you belong to me only and thus you are mine" Xander chuckled.

I began panicking. 'Is this even the Xander I knew?' I thought while tears were flowing out of my eyes.

"Found you~" Xander said as he opened the closet. My eyes widened as he pulled me out. "I love you.." Xander said as he kissed me deeply.

He finally pulled away after a few minutes. I took a deep breath as I continued shivering under his Gaze.

"Let's return The Rose Heart's shard to King Orion and return home" Xander said and kiss me again. 'When did he retrieved the shard?' I thought.

"Alright.." I said, not be able to think any further after witnesses the death of many poor souls.

"Good girl.." Xander said and we began making our way back to Alastaire.


"Thank you for bringing back the shard. Well done, young heroes" King Orion said while sighing out in relief. "Can we return home now?" Xander asked. "oh, right! Yes, you may!" King Orion said.

"Please follow me" King Orion said and we followed. We walked down a dark alleyway. Then, King Orion mumbled out some inaudible words.

The wall began shaking violently as a door appeared. "Go through the door to reach the portal. I bid you farewell and may we see each other again in the future" King Orion said.

Xander opened the door and we went inside. We climbed through the doorway until we reached the portal.

"Ah!" I feel my head spinning as I entered the portal. I nearly blacked out when we finally reached our world.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Xander said and carried me in his arms. "X-Xander? Was that all a dream?" I asked while my head was still spinning a little.

"Huh? Um..yeah...you were shaking and screaming in your sleep" Xander said while smoothing out my hair.

'I can't tell her I killed Ray and Kanato...I hope she never remembers anything about that odd world' Xander thought.

'I wonder if the news said anything about our disappearances...' Xander though as he turned on the TV.

"Odd...there's nothing.." Xander said as he switched between all he news channel. "What are you looking for?" 
"Huh? Oh nothing" Xander said.

"Where are we?" I asked. "oh! We're in my house" Xander said. "oh...how did I get here? Wasnt I sleeping in my room?" I asked curiously.

"Um...don't worry about it" Xander said as he avoided my curious gaze.

'Hmm..maybe the time's funny there. Maybe that's why there are no news about us' Xander thought.

"(Y/N), will you please be my girlfriend?" Xander asked and I blushed a little.

"I-i don't know.." I said. 'Can I really love a killer?' I thought. "Please?" Xander mumbled out. "Fine, I'll give it a shot" I said. "Great!" Xander said and kissed me.

Soon after dinner, we laid in bed together while Xander read me a book. The night soon began creeping in and we swtiched off the lights as it was time to sleep.

"Goodnight (Y/N)..." Xander said and hugged me tightly. "Goodnight Xander" I said and snuggled into him. He smiled and patted me.

"Mine..." Xander said before both of us fell asleep.

Mine (Yandere Childhood Friends X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now