xiaoven angst!

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       It was a sight Xiao was used to, a bloody battlefield. But, this was far worse. There was bodies laying everywhere, bleeding out, groaning in pain. For a normal person, this would have been traumatizing. But, he was missing someone, and it was stressing him out. Of course, his family figures, Zhongli and Ganyu were fine, he was making sure of that, but he was missing someone. Venti. The Anemo Archon. His only love. He was petrified for the wellbeing of the other. "Venti..." He mumbled, looking around the battlefield. He dashed over to Zhongli, who was fighting someone with his spear. Xiao took out his own spear and impaled the other person who was sneaking up on the Geo Archon and killed them. "Zhongli, have you seen Venti?" Xiao asked over his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zhongli giving him a pitying look. "..I'm afraid he's been terribly injured." The taller male said. Xiao's heart dropped, he usually didn't feel fear, but this time it was terrifying. "Where did you see him?" he asked quickly. Zhongli pointed North. "That way." He said. Xiao nodded, dashing off. 

       Xiao gulped as he saw blood staining the ground. There were a group of people being healed by Barbara. "Barbara." He said. As if on command, she pointed to someone covered by a blanket. "He's over there." Xiao rushed over to the person, noticing the braids in the hair and the distinct shade of blue in the hair.... It was Venti. "Venti!" He called desprately. Venti slowly opened his blue eyes, they were slowly loosing focus. Xiao noticed the slowly growing scarlet red stain on the blanket from Venti's abdomen, he placed both of his hands on each side of Venti's face. "Hey.. Xiao." Venti said weakly smiling. "What happened?! Who did this??" Xiao demanded, tears slowly filling his eyes. "They've been dealt with, don't worry.." Venti said, his voice faltering.  "Venti.." Xiao said, tears running down his face as he slowly pressed his forehead to Venti's. "Please. Don't leave me."  His voice cracked. But he didn't care. Venti smiled. "Why would I ever-" the bard coughed in the middle of the sentence. "Leave you?" Blood slowly trickled down his face from his lips. 

         "Venti your wound- Zhongli said-" Xiao was cut off as Venti put his hand on Xiao's cheek. "I'll be fine." His breathing was getting slower and shorter. "Venti.. Please don't." He choked back a sob. Venti's breathing was getting fainter and his eyes were slowly filming over. "Venti.." Tears were uncontrollably rolling down Xiao's face. "Remember that time.. When you were drunk and I had to carry you back to Mondstadt?" He decided if his love was going to die, he was going to let him go with good memories. He was met with a soft smile on Venti's face. "And.. Do you remember what I said before you passed out?" He said, almost crying harder. "I was saying that... I loved you."  He looked at Venti.

       The bard was dead. He looked around, noticing how his allies were the only ones standing, they had won. He cried out to the sky, tears streaming down his face, his heart felt like someone had it in a death grip and wouldn't stop squeezing it.

     As soon as she heard that distinct cry, Ganyu had ran over. She was like a big sister to Xiao. "Xiao what-" She then noticed Venti. "Oh my... I'm so sorry.." She kneeled next to Xiao. The yaksha looked at her, tears in his eyes. "Why?? Why was it him.." He realized he had grabbed Venti's cooling hand. "Everything passes in it's time, Xiao." Ganyu said, patting his back. Ganyu wasn't exactly uninjured either, she had a few scratches on her face and arms. Xiao stared down at Venti's cold body, tears soaking the ground beneath him. Eventually, Zhongli had walked over and patted Xiao's head. "He's in a better place now." the Geo Archon said. Xiao honestly didn't believe him. A better place would be right by Xiao's side, smiling and laughing like he always did. 

     Ganyu eventually pulled the three of them into a hug, and Xiao fell silent as they were both comforting him. "I'm sure he wouldn't want you moping around like this, he'd want you to move on with life, right?" She said, smiling softly at Xiao. Xiao slowly nodded, but his heart hurt again remembering Venti's smile. 


And that's it! I am so sorry if I made you cry lol, but 742 words in that story!

genshin ship angst I made so my friends can cryWhere stories live. Discover now