Chapter 43

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Basically, I am updating the previous chapters again due to two reasons.

1. So that you will remember what happened before and for those who missed to read and vote.

2. It is hint that I am publishing the new chapter. So don't get confused.

And here is the new chapter. Happy Reading.

Writer's POV:

"YOU. ARE. ROHAN SARTHAK," Sam shouted at Sarthak stressing at every word she uttered pointing her finger at him. 

Sarthak was unable to form words from the moment he met her or better to say, from the time she found him. He fought back, denying her claims, wanting to run away, but she just didn't allow him to do so. So, he was trying his best to deny the claim and confuse her, but she was not budging with his words. 

"Listen, just because you can shout, that doesn't make you right. So leave me and....." he paused, thinking what to say. He looked at her who was anticipating his next words. He nervously continued, "Go and search in any other college or city. Maybe the one whom you say looks like me will be found at another place. Like a doppelganger," 

She was already fuming with fury, and this made her even angrier. She immediately opened her sling bag, and pulled out her phone, and started scrolling in it. Sarthak looked at Ajay, who had been a mere spectator of the issue and had not spoken a word till now. 

Sarthak nudged Ajay, who was observing Sam. Sarthak signalled Ajay to run away from the place. As though Sam understood their plan, she said, "Don't think anything stupid, Mr. I have proof that you are the one and there is no twin brother or doppelganger."

"Proof?" Ajay asked. It is now that something came out from his mouth. 

"Yes. Here you go," said Sam and turned her phone for them to see. It was a picture of Sarthak sitting at the back of the hall in his farewell. The photo didn't focus on him alone. Many boys were sitting before him, but he was captured enough to recognize him. 

Sarthak's throat went dry as soon as he saw that pic. All his half-baked lies evaporated as she had solid proof against him. Droplets of sweat started descending from his forehead. He observed the picture more closely and saw the light in his eyes, the happiness, and the smile on my face as though he had achieved the world. Sarthak again recalled that one day, which was the best day in his life. 

Then, Sam swiped the screen, and the next photo came to light. In this pic, his face is filled with laughter as he was holding a phone near his face. This reminded him that he had called her during the event, and she had disconnected the call before peeking from behind the stage. At that time, he had badly wished to have these photos not his, but to have Tanvi's photos. He didn't get any of those as he didn't ask anyone and was content with the few pics he had of her, and later, he didn't have get any reason to keep them after his 12th.

He momentarily closed his eyes as he was entangled in the proof of the past. There was nothing he had to defend himself. Who knew that one day a girl would come and put his photo on display. 

"This is you, and still you deny it," Sam said in desperation. Only she knew how much Tanvi got affected and how much guilty she felt. She sighed and continued, "You know she is studying here only......"

Her voice broke when she saw the bouquet of chocolates in his hands. Until now, she hadn't paid much attention to it, but the name on the gift garnered her attention. Her hand reached for a sticky note on the gift which said, 'Happy Birthday, Dear Tanvi!' She pulled it out and observed Sarthak's face, which still had the expression of agony. 

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