Chapter 5

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Rohan Sarthak's POV:

"I like you." Her words hit me like a bolt of lightning. 

Who was she?

Why was she talking to me like this?

Had she been stalking me or something?

Many questions and doubts popped up in my mind. I went to the mirror and checked my face. I never considered myself a handsome hunk or a chocolate boy. I am a typical, average Indian guy with a brown complexion, thin body and an expressionless face. My only plus point is my height, 6 feet precisely. Many people don't even believe that I am a school going boy.

So, for 5 whole minutes I didn't even realize that she is saying 'Hello!'. I was completely immersed in my thoughts about my appearance. 

Finally, when I heard her clearly, I didn't know what to talk to her about. She must be some crazy girl, playing some prank.

"Hello?" she shouted so loud that I had put the phone away from my ear.

"Huh?" was all I could say after bringing the phone close to my ear again.

"Thank God you are still there. I thought you disconnected the call again," she said quite calmly.

I mean, how can she be so calm? She literally turned me upside down in a minute.

I picked up my courage and asked, "What are you even talking about?"

She didn't say anything for a minute and I waited for her response.

"Well, I have a crush on you, but I am never had enough courage to come to you and tell you this. So, I got your number and called you and..."

"Shut up!" I hollered a bit too loudly, I guess. I mean, how could a girl do things like these? Was she really that cheap? 

She remained silent.

"You are saying that you don't have courage to say it to me directly, so you are calling me without any fear or what the other person will think? What should I think of you?" I asked her very seriously.

I was waiting for her reply, but she remained silent. I sighed realizing that I had crossed a line. I should have helped her understand that this was not the right thing to do. She must be in her pre teens, and this must be her mere infatuation. I guess.

"Are you still there?" I asked softly.

"Well I don't cut things so easily, whether it is a call or a feeling," she said slowly.

"I am sorry for shouting at you. I shouldn't have done that, but this is mere infatuation. I don't think you know much about me and don't waste your time on these unnecessary activities. Study well and delete my number. I will not tell anyone that you had called me like this," I said  very slowly and calmly, hoping she would understand.

"So you don't like me?" Her voice sounded very sad, and I could swear she was pouting.

"Excuse me, Miss. I don't even know you. So what are still hoping for?" I sounded serious again.

"Exactly! Give me a chance then. Say like one week or so, and even if we don't like each other even then, I will stop calling you. You already promised that you wouldn't let anyone know about the calls. So, if you don't like me, I promise I will never call you again," she said cheerfully, as though trying to impress me with her sweet voice. Well, I must admit that her voice was pretty sweet to my ears.

"I am not interested in any of this shit. Goodbye and Don't call me," I said this firmly and cut the call.

This felt very intrusive and intriguing. I was sure no one had my number or even know my full name: Rohan Sarthak. My father wanted to name me Rohan only, but my mom added Sarthak to it. However, no one ever called me that.

I went out to check what Dad is doing. He was no where visible in hall. So, I went to his room and saw him sleeping peacefully. I thought of telling him about this crazy call, but I didn't. Sighing, I swerved and returned to my room.

I laid down on my bed and was rolling from one side to the other with many thoughts crossing my mind. I was unable to sleep, and her words were still echoing in my ears.

Suddenly, my phone pinged with a Whatsapp message. I clicked it open and looked at the message, which knocked the breath out of me. It was from that same girl who blurted out so much nonsense.

"I know this must be hard for you to believe and trust some unknown person. So, I won't disturb your private space by calling you. Rather I'll message you whenever I feel like it, and you can reply if you want to. If you don't want to, that's no problem either. Hope this won't be too much of a disturbance to you. Good night Rohan😊."

I smiled a bit when I saw that emoji. Then, I suddenly realized that I smiled even when I was not with Dad. That was a big thing to happen to me because he has been my only source and hope of smiles and laughter.

This thought disturbed me more than her words did. Well, I had never shouted at a girl before, at least not for a reason as trivial as this. I wondered what all this meant. 

"Let's try to dig some more information at school tomorrow."

So, will Rohan find out about Tanvi?

Or will he start talking to her?

Let's find out soon.


Thank You.

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