Chapter 7

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Rohan Sarthak's POV:

It was officially the most embarrassing and difficult day in my life. I should have just remained silent as usual, but I had to do something and get poked at fun.

As usual, in the morning, I got ready and started walking to my school. On the way, I decided to find out who that girl was, but I didn't know anything about her, other than her father's name, Vishnuvardhan. Well, who knew whether it was true or not.

So, basically, I know nothing about her and didn't know how I would find her.

As it was Saturday, it was a half day for us, and I can return home soon.

I reached the school on time and headed to my classroom. My classroom is always filled with noise, as though it is a railway station. Someone or the other shouts something, and his or her gang responds even louder. I hate raucous noise and all the over excitement in my class, but I somewhat accustomed to it.

I headed towards my desk, at the last, near the wall. I am grateful that everyone has their own, separate seat instead of sharing a bench where three or more have to sit together. Of course, some classrooms have benches, but ours doesn't.

I thought of asking any boy whether they know any girl's father whose name is Vishnuvardhan, but that wouldn't be appropriate and not a nice thing to ask someone. Well, who would know a girl's father name? The father is not studying in our school, right?

I kept on debating this thought in my mind, and by the time I made up my mind to ask the student next to me, our homeroom teacher arrived and started taking attendance.

Then next two hours went on revising the old topics and clarifying doubts of other students. Well, I got my doubts clarified too when other students asked doubts regarding the same topics. But the entire time, I kept observing all the twenty girls in my class. I wanted to know whether she was from my class or not. If she is not from our class, then I don't think I will ever get to know her cause we have four +2 sections, two for MPC(Maths, Physics, Chemistry), one for BiPC( Biology, Physics, Chemistry), and one for MBiPC( Maths, Biology, Physics, Chemistry). So, it would literally turn me into a detective searching for a killer.

But then, as I observed the girls, no one took a glance at me, not even once. If that girl were from my class, she would stare at me after all the drama that unfolded yesterday, but no one was turning back or at least trying to glimpse at me. Well, I guess I am nothing but an extra chair in the class to occupy at a certain corner, tugged away from everyone's line of sight- stranger and imperceptible.

I even tried to strain my ears and check if I could recognize their voiced when they expressed their doubts, and concerns. But none of their voice were as beautiful as the voice I had heard the previous day.

Then, at 10:45 am, we had a break for fifteen minutes. Everyone started dispersing outside or wherever they want to.

That was when I decided to implement the plan I had concocted. I turned to my left side, and when I was about to call the person who had been sitting next to me, he stood up and began to leave.

"Hey," I called him out. 

He turned to my side and had a bewildered on his face. It seemed he couldn't believe his ears that I called him. He pointed a finger towards himself and raised his eyebrows in confusion asking whether I called for him. Well, I couldn't blame the guy for his confusion. He was one of the 1st guys who tried his best to make me feel friendly with him in the first year. But I never gave any heed to him. At that time, I just wanted to be alone and didn't want anyone to come close to me, but I regretted it later because when I wanted to make new friends, these people had gone far away from me. This guy had already assumed I was a rude and arrogant brat and, therefore, never approached me afterward. Well, the mistake is mine because even that day, I didn't know his name. Curse me!

Smiling at him stiffly, I nodded at him, confirming that it was indeed me who had called him. He was perplexed for a moment and came close to me to know what I wanted.

"Well, I want to ask you something," I mumbled so that only he can hear.

"Yes?" he said, peering at me intently as if I was going to ask something very important.

"Well.....Do you know any girl's in our class whose father's name is Vishnuvardhan?" I asked him curiously.

He was again bemused for a second and then looked at the girls present in the class. I assumed he would directly ask the girls, and that thought frightened me. But he thought for a moment and shook his head. 

I nodded at him and smiled a little.

He, too, smiled and left the room without asking any questions, which I hadn't expected. I had thought he would ask me many questions and all.

Our classes commenced again, but I was unable to concentrate on the lectures given by our Chemistry teacher. I just wanted to know who that girl was, but I didn't know what to do. All the girls in my class are looking decent and clam as though they were angels who never played and pranks. For a moment, I thought she must have not come to school that day so that I couldn't find her, but we have no absentees. Lately, everyone are coming to the classes regularly because our public exams are nearing, and our teachers are preparing us very seriously not only for our board exams but also for JEE and EMCET exams.

All my thoughts were a jumbled mess in my mind by the time school was over. Everyone stood as soon as they heard the prolonged bell ring and began to sing 'Vande Mataram'. It is like our prayer song before we leave our school. 

While singing, one crazy idea popped in my mind, and I don't know whether it would work or not.

Once the song was over and everyone were arranging their bags while our chemistry teacher was still announcing the homework for sunday, I called out, "Miss Vishnuvardhan?"

No one paid heed because the teacher voice was still dominating. 

Then I mustered up some more courage, took a long breath, and literally cried, "Miss Vishnuvardhan?"

Everyone in our class looked at me, shocked. With their eyes widened, they kept staring at me, with their mouths opened. I glimpsed at everyone present there, especially girls, hoping one would come forward saying it's me, as shown in movies, but nothing happened. I cursed myself for acting without thinking twice and am utterly embarrassed with myself.

Then my teacher said, "Are you okay?" She was as bewildered as the rest of the students.

I nodded. "I am sorry, ma'am."

She sighed and left the room, asking everyone to prepare well without wasting any time. Even after she left, many people were still gawking at me, and I could hear some giggles among them too.

I just wanted to leave the place. So, I started to pack my things, and then I saw that guy adjacent to me was still looking at me as though I had gone completely mad. I ignored all of it and left the room as swiftly as I could.

The entire scenario kept flashing before my eyes, and I scolded myself and left my school hurriedly. I was extremely tired and dejected by the time I reached my home. The entire way back home, I had kept my gaze down.

It was literally the most disgusting day in my life.

So how is the chapter?

Hope it reminded you of your embarrassing and awkward situations which you might have face in your school or college or anywhere.

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