Chapter 15

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Tanvi's POV:

"Good morning, honorable Principal, respected Teachers, my friends, and our Beloved Seniors.....Shit! It's not nice," I pulled my hair in frustration.

In two days, we will be giving a farewell party, and here I am not prepared with the speech. What to do?

Something has been missing all the time. This was the 5th time I made changes to the speech. What should I change now, and how should I present it? It is not like any Independence day or Republic day, or annual day speech. This has to be funny and likable, but I feel like this will be one the worst speeches I have ever given.

I fell on the bed, lounging the book and pen aside. For past 1 hour, I was trying my level best to draft the speech, and now I was fed up with it. I still got a day, right? I'll sort it out soon.

I reached to my water bottle, but found it empty. Urgh! Why is everything this complicated? Now, I would have to go to the kitchen. I got up lazily, and went to the kitchen, and filled my bottle. While filling my bottle, my phone started ringing. Upon listening to the ringtone, I knew who called me and a smile appeared on my face. I have set my favourite song 'Thousand years' as the ringtone for Rohan's number.

By the time I filled my bottle and reached my room, the call had ended. I sighed and drank some water to calm myself. Then the phone ringed again. This time I wasted no time in answering it.

"Sorry, I didn't answered the call. I was in another room and I came here as fast as I can, but you ended the call," I rambled.

"How did you know that I was calling you if you were in another room?" he asked me suspiciously.

"Well, I have set a separate ringtone for your number, so I know when you will call me," I said, smirking.

"Oh my! How lucky I am to receive special ringtone facility from you1" he mocked me and chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, consider yourself so," I said, playing along too.

"Ok. Ok. What's the ringtone that you kept for my number?" he asked me curiously.

"Why do you ask?" I asked him. I did not want to tell him about the song name because he would make fun of me.

"Normally," he said. Most of the time, he is like this. He just returns his answers in a single word or phrase and asks everything in a straightforward manner while I keep on talking and talking. Opposites attract!

"Well, 'Thousand years' song," I said to him.

I thought he would laugh or will make fun of me, but he remained silent for a while. After a minute I asked him, "You there?"

"Haa. I am." he said.

"What happened? You suddenly became silent, or Are you thinking about the song?" I asked him playfully.

"Well, I ..don't know that song it is, so I am wondering about the same," he said sheepishly.

"What?" I was shocked. He didn't know 'Thousand Years' song? How is that possible? It is such a famous song.

"Yeah....I never heard it before or don't remember it," he mumbled. Maybe he doesn't know the song, but does he know the movie at least?

"Do you know 'Twilight' movie series?" I asked him hopefully.

"No. I am not a big movie fan," he said.

What? Something is indeed strange. How is it even possible. I had seen his Instagram account where he posts about movies, his theater experience, and his favourite actors and actress photos. Now he was telling me that he didn't like movies.

Before I could ask him further, I was interrupted by a call from another coordinator, who has been coordinating the Farewell party along with other friends and me. I declined the call and asked, "You don't like movies?"

"Well, I like some, but..... there is some disturbance is coming from your side," he said it loudly.

I checked my phone, and it's them again. This time, it was a WhatsApp conference call. I thought of declining it again, but that person messaged me, saying something had came up. So, I had to answer it.

"Ok. We'll talk later. Something came up," I said to Rohan, who was still on the line.

"Ok. Bye." he said and I immediately disconnected his call and accepted the group call.

Well, the problem with the farewell was some girl dropped out of the welcome dance, and now, within two days we would be unable to find a replacement for her. Goodness! Our event will become a flop show. Why is everything happening like this?

For next two hours, all of us tried to persuade the girl to be in the dance, and finally she agreed.  We cross checked the events we are conducting. Everything was planned and prepared, except my speech. Have to do something fast about that.

In all these, I again ignored about Rohan's weird behaviour.


Rohan Sarthak's POV:

After a hectic revision of Physics, I decided to call her. This has become a routine for me. I already got habituated to her a lot. She talks a lot, and I just listen to her pretty voice.

In these past few weeks, we have become quite close to each other. Thanks to her, I am seeing a new self of mine. I had stopped trying to find her long back. I have come to the conclusion that I will never be able to find that girl from these many girls. So, it's better to go with the flow. Still, I want to know who she is.

Everyday, I try my level best to dig some information about her, but she always dodges those questions and doesn't even give me a clue about her. Initially, I thought she was a silly girl , but no, she is a very clever person. She is one of the most funniest and quit-witted persons I have ever met. She often makes fun of me too.

Luckily, today she got another call and missed the chance. Otherwise, she would have poked fun at me since I don't know much about movies. Well, that's a fact, I am not a movie buff. I often tend to fall asleep watching them and forget about songs. I don't know anything about music. I listen to them in TV at times and forget them instantly.

Now, I have to search for that 'Thousand Years' song and 'Twilight' movie. I wonder what that thousand years song is about. Is is about any environmental changes that occurred in last thousand years? I thought. Finally, after buffering a lot the song started.


That was the 1st feeling I got after the song completed. It's soothing in some way. I must say she has good taste in music. Thanks to her, even I began liking the song, and it instantly became my favourite song too.

But again, my mind went to the same question. Who is she?.

No matter how much I enjoy her company, still this question is disturbing me. Lately, I have no control over my feelings. I even started to have dreams like, I am standing with some girl at a seashore. Crazy! Only 5 days are left for the month to be over, and I don't know anything about her.

Soon, I came out of my chain of thoughts and started to study. After a while, Dad came home, and we chatted while having dinner. These days, he was way more happier seeing me like this.

After finishing my dinner, I thought of calling her again but dropped the idea as she said that something had come up, and I didn't want to disturb her. Soon, I drifted into sleep with the hope of knowing her soon.

Hope you like the chapter.

I know it might be a bit boring but I want every chapter to be logical and go with the flow.

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