Chapter 9

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Don't you breathe for me

Undeserving of your sympathy

Cause there ain't no way that I'm sorry

For what I did

And through it all

How could you cry for me

Cause I don't feel bad about it

So shut your eyes

Kiss me goodnight

And sleep

Just sleep

The hardest part

Is letting go of

Your dreams

Sleep - My Chemical Romance



A black abyss.

Unable to move.


I remember that I fainted but my eyes don't want to open.

Open! I command them.

They stay shut but my hearing becomes better, more sensitive.

"How is she doing?" That concerned voice sounds like Sebastian's even though I cannot believe he would ever sound this vulnerable.

"She's getting better." A female voice answers.

"What's wrong with her? Why does she keep fainting and vomiting? She looks like she's lost weight. Is she bulimic?"

"Don't be an idiot, Seb, she'd never do that to herself. I know her well enough and she'd never harm herself in that way to stay skinny." Lily snarkingly replys.

Pssh, girl's acting as though she knows me. I don't get to know monsters that killed my parents.

"When she wakes up, I'll have her take a pregnancy test seeing that she has all the symptoms of a pregnant woman." The earlier female voice answers Sebastian's question.

"What?!" He roars angrily, "I have to put up with another little brat?! Fuck!" I can imagine him running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Calm down, Seb. Maybe it's something else." Lily tries soothing him.

"Calm down? Calm down?! She's my mate and she has two kids that aren't mine! No. We need to find the groom of that wedding. He has impregnated my mate twice and now he is going to pay with his life." Sebastian says before I hear his retreating footsteps.

He's going to kill Hawke?!

Oh my god, he's going to kill my fiancé!

Now listen here eyes, you really have to open up now, please.

My eyes once again refuse to listen and am left with only my thoughts.

Third Person Narration

Alpha Bash has heard no word yet about the whereabouts of his mate's children's father.

Yes, you heard right, he'd rather pronounce that whole thing than call him his mate's fiancé or future husband or whatever.

This man has children from Sebastian's mate and that ties a man and a woman together for the rest of their lives. Getting rid of Josh's father is the only way to insure Zara stay with Sebastian for as long as they both live and maybe in death as well.

She probably thinks he is dead already.

However, Dr. Pepper is unsure if Zara is pregnant. Hopefully she is not, but that still leaves Joshua, and that little toddler can become a problem in the future.

Sebastian sighs, putting Josh aside for now because his main priority is Josh's father, the problem that Jonathan told Sebastian about and his mother's grieving even though Jonathan is just comatose, but for now, his mate comes first.

What will he tell Zara when she asks about him though?

Maybe he'll say he was caught in the attack and was instantly murdered.

Oh well, as long as Sebastian has his mate all to himself, nothing else matters.

Any word yet on the groom? Sebastian asks through the mind link.

His name is Hawke Rosatti. He is a Hunter like the prisoners. We think we may have found their hideout, Alpha. Do we attack or wait for you? Lucas sends word to the Alpha.

Lay low for the night, see if you can gather more Intel, I'll join you tomorrow and we can discuss what I plan on doing with those Hunters then.

Affirmative. Lucas cuts off contact, telling his comrades to hold back using hand gestures.

The ten warriors from the Pack who volunteered for this mission nod and fall back, silently blending into the bushes, succeeding in not making a noise to attract the attention of the Hunters in the massive cabin hidden by vines and flowers.

As the others retreat, Lucas climbs a tree, getting a good view of a window that connects to the lounge.

He watches as two men he has identified as Dean and Hawke Rosatti, are having what looks like an argument.

His ear flexes a bit as he tries listening to what they are saying.

"What if she's dead? Accept it man! Heaven knows I have." Dean says to Hawke.

"Never!" Hawke spits, "Zara is my world, the same way your son and wife is yours. How can you give up on them so easily? I can't. Until I have proof that Zara, my nephew and sister in law is dead, I'll continue looking for them, even if it kills me."

"Those animals are ruthless, Hawke, do you really think they'll spare her? She's dead, like my wife and son. I hope it was quick, Joshua is only a baby, he doesn't deserve to suffer -"

Lucas tuned the conversation out as soon as he heard Josh's name.

He replayed everything he heard from the conversation and tries working out everything the Rosatti brothers said.

He came to the conclusion that Zara lied to him and he had lied to the Alpha.

Joshua is Dean Rosatti's son and not Hawke's.

Maybe Zara and Dean had an affair, but no, Dean has a wife so then Josh might be his wife's son.

So then Zara has no relation to the boy at all then. Alpha Bash is going to have Lucas's head on a silver platter for lying to him.

Yet on the other hand, the Alpha will be pleased to know that his mate has no children from other men.

Lucas and the people living inside the manor are the only people / werewolves that know about Zara being Bash's mate. She needs to settle in before taking the position of Luna.

Lucas stares at the brothers in confusion, listening in on their conversion yet again, to hopefully find out more useful information.

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