Summer Allurement

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"Damn... slow down Adoma", Mustafa chuckles, watching from across our table as i wolf down a plate of blue berry pancakes.

"What?" I ask, licking my lips and eying the untouched plate of pancakes in front of him.

He scoffs loudly, pushing his plate in front of me. "Here, have mine too" he says in a teasing voice.

I shrugg, digging my fork contently into his pancakes as well. There was no way I was saying no to free food, size zero be damned.

"Thanks Afa" I say with gratitude, reaching across the table to pick a half full bottle of chocolate syrup.

" hmmm", I moan contently and exhale deeply after finishing his plate as well.

leaning back into my seat, I take in my surrounding for the first time, admiring the vintage look of the diner we were in. Just 2 seats over, I watch as a mother tried  to spoon feed her toddler but failing miserably - judging by the chocolate syrup covering every inch of the child. She looks frustrated, almost at the verge of pulling out her own teeth. Beside her sits a teenage girl with striking resemblance— probably her daughter-- who seems to want to be anywhere than here at this moment as she types away on her iPhone 12 pro.

I sign with pity and take my gaze off of them to glance at the other three customers around.

" you ready to get out of here?" Adu asks before signaling the waitress for our check.

"Yes, let's get this show on the road". I answer excitedly as we get up from our seats to get back to our hotel rooms.

After an hour of lazying about, we check out from the hotel to continue our journey to glen wood.

"Hey, let me help you with that." I hear a deep male voice behind me as I struggle to get mine and Mustafa's bag from the backseat of our rental.

"Thanks" I say in appreciation, moving back to allow room for him to pull our bags out. I watch from behind, checking out the stranger helping me.

I take in his features, drawing to the conclusion that he's definitely cute. Even though I can't see much from his crunched down position, I can see that he has beautiful dark skin and broad shoulders. His black curly hair tumbles into his face as he climbs into the car to retrieve the bag at the other end. The wind blows, carrying a trail of his scent to where I'm standing. It has a woody and coffee smell— not too strong but enough to get one curious--

"Alright, all done" he says with an accent I couldn't yet decipher as he carries the bags to the side walk. I watch as his biceps bulge under the load. He dusts his hands on his khaki shorts, turning around to face me with a broad smile.

God damn

He is beautiful. I stare, gaping at him. He has beautiful midnight black eyes, framed with long black eye lashes, straight white teeth that seem to gleam in the sun, perfectly shaped eyebrows and slightly pink lips—-oh those lips. I lick my lips, feeling flustered.

He chuckles, bringing his hand out for a handshake. From the look on his face, he seems to get this reaction a lot. I clear my throat, sticking my hand out to greet him.

"I'm Andy, it's nice to meet you". He says, running his other hand to push back his hair.

Adoma, likewise" I greet back, shuffling on my feet nervously.

" I'm guessing you are here for the work and travel program as well?" He asks, gesturing around with his hand. I nod at him, shifting my gaze to take in the picturesque landscape of the place.

Though it was just 10 o'clock in the morning, the sun had fully risen to take its place in the clear blue sky, shinning brightly down and painting its subjects in beautiful shades of hues. The trees and flowers around us looked more enchanting and mysterious as their colours shorn brightly and their shadows dances with the flow of the morning breeze. The reflection of the sun on the surrounding mountains perfectly crowned the beauty of this place.

" yeah, this place looks magical" he agrees quietly beside me. I must have had a look of awe on my face while looking around.

" magical doesn't even begin to cut it. " I reply softly and shift my gaze back on him.

He grins, taking in a deep breathe. "So.... do you know which house you are in?

"Erm, no I'm waiting for my friend to go sign us in at the office and probably get a manager to show us to our rooms." I reply, looking back at the building Mustafa walked into 5 minutes ago.

"Oh okay, cool, I would have liked to stay with you while you wait for your friend but I'm kind of running late to work." He says in a slightly annoyed voice, shoving his hands into his front pockets.

"Oh, that's alright , thank you for the help earlier. I'll see you around then? "I ask with a shy smile, hoping I'm not being too forward.

" definitely" his grins broadly and starts to walk away from me.

With a wave back, he dashes down the board walkway, disappearing from sight as he takes a left turn.

"Adoma, this is Jason, he's one of the managers at the park, he will show us to our rooms. " I hear Mustafa say from behind me.

I was still facing forward with a goofy smile on my face as I looked down the Board-way, still seeing Andy's form. I scoff , don't be ridiculous Adoma, you just met him 5 seconds ago, I chide myself, before turning around to face Mustafa and the manager.

"Oh come on!" I sarcastically exclaim as I turn to see another beautiful man with blue-green eyes, intently looking at my face.

What the hell is in the waters around here— allurement?

Damn it

I freeze, completely enthralled by the Adonis standing in front of me.


*smiles mischievously*

From my heart, to yours


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