Come With Me

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+++++ You've been Warned +++++++

a little bit of steamy scene ahead. Just a little kiss scene. Not your style, please move on to other chapters. Thank you!

"Pancakes or waffles?"


"Book or movie?"


"Chocolate or vanilla?"


Rice or bread?"


-Wait what? I burst out laughing , looking at Jason with raised eyebrows.

" just answer the damn question woman" he replies with an amused smile, pretending to be frustrated with me.

"How does one move from ice cream flavors to rice or bread?" I ask him in disbelief , laughing loudly at the ridiculousness of the question and the stern look on his face.

"Adoma" he says in a frustrated voice—or tries to at least

I laugh softly as I catch the stern but amused look on his face. He's struggling so hard to not burst into laughter right now. "Lord, you are killing me Jay" I say in soft laughter trying to settle down. " rice or bread" I murmur teasingly with a chuckle, earning a shoulder push from Jason. "Okay! Okay!, I'll answer" I give in, trying to stop Jason from pushing me again. "Rice" I answer with a coy smile, still trying to tease him.

He huffs with pretend annoyance, "that wasn't too hard, was it?" He says in an amused voice, smiling broadly down at me.

"Okay..., moving on"

"Blue or green eyes?" Jason asks mischievously. I roll my eyes at him and pull on his hand to start walking again .

For the past 30 minutes or so we've been walking the streets of the city, playing what ever game that comes to mind and enjoying the night life. Even though We'd definitely walked too far away from the restaurant, we simply did not care.

After some minutes of goofing around, We walk pass a bar that has a karaoke sign lighted up. I turn to Jason with a shit eating grin plastered on my face.

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask" he says in a high pitched voice, flipping his nonexistent long hair over his shoulders with exaggeration. We burst into soft laughter before turning back and entering into the bar.

"Oh my God Jay!, you were amazing in there! I didn't know you could sing like that" I praise him with wide eyes, clearly impressed with his smooth voice. He laughs softly before responding.

" You are one to talk, where did that angelic voice come from?" He asks with a bewildered look.

" one of my many talents, I guess" I answer with a coy shrug.

"Well, I would love to see your other talents" he says with a smirk, a mischievous yet serious glint entering his eyes. I smile back at him, starting to feel giddy. We look like idiots standing on the sidewalk smiling goofily at each other.

"You know, I feel like we just went on our third date" Jason says with a genuine smile, still looking at me.

"I know.  I don't remember the last time I had this much fun, thank you." I tell Him with appreciation.

He takes a step closer to me, caressing my cheeks affectionately as he pushes away a stray hair from my face.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks boldly in a soft voice, his gaze fixed heatedly on my full lips. He was so close that I could feel the warmth of his minty breath softly fanning my cheek. He lifts up his gaze to met mine, waiting for an answer. His eyes, which look beautiful everyday, somehow looks more captivating under the starry night light.

"Yes" I whisper softly, before closing my eyes and closing the last gap between us.

We groan in relief as our lips touch, caressing and exploring each other with urgency. He moans against my lips, burying his long fingers into my hair and tugging at the strings holding it in place.

I sign against his lips as my straightener hair falls down my shoulders. Slowly, he breaks away from our kiss and moves back slightly to look at my face "Fucking perfect" he murmurs hotly s before tilting my head for another scorching kiss.

I whimper softly and open my mouth, desperately needing to touch my tongue with his. The delicious taste of him pulls out a desperate moan from deep within me as I feel a burst of tingling sensation coursing through my whole body. He moans throatily, pulling me closer into his arms. At this point, I'm completely flushed against him, my feet barely touching the ground as we continue to touch, caress and taste each other.

I tighten my arms around Jason's neck and tangle my fingers in his soft silky hair. He groans in obvious satisfaction, biting and pulling on my bottom lip. He pushes me against a hard surface before moving to trail his lips up and down my neck. we cling onto each other, craving for more closure.

"Get a room, you two!" someone suddenly shouts with laughter as others join with whistles and cat calls.

I instantly pull away from Jason, completely breathless and mortified.

"Come with me?" He asks huskily in a rushed voice, looking down at me with smoldering blue green eyes. He completely ignores all the cat calls around us, angling his body to shield me from our audience. With his arms on the wall, he cages my slender frame in, looking down at me with blazing eyes.

Without waiting for a reply, He pushes us off the wall and firmly interlock our fingers together before quickly moving in the opposite direction.

Completely dazed, I allow myself to be pulled along, still lost in the heat of the moment. He stops in front of an apartment complex ,pulling me in for another heated kiss, as if to not douse out the fire.

I groan in annoyance as he moves away again to quickly enter into the building. Still dazed, I follow quietly behind him until he stops at a door, turning back to face me with questioning eyes.

I gasp in surprise as my senses come to me. I realize where we are now, the fogginess in my lust filled mind clearing up a bit more . I look up at him, watching as his lustful eyes turn hesitant. I chew on my bottom lip in worry, wondering if I should take this last step with him.

Sex with Jason.

That sounds pleasurable alright .... But was I ready? And did I want such a commitment for just a summer. I absently deliberated with myself. I snap my gaze back to Jason's when I hear him groan in pain.

"I'll respect whatever decision you make, but please stop biting your lip like that, not after I've had a taste of them" he whispers in a strained voice, his blazing eyes intently fixed on my swollen lips. He groans again and snaps his gaze to meet mine, his jaw tightly clasped. The waves of lust rolling off of him was intoxicating, slowly convincing me to take the last step.

"Fuck it" I swear under my breathe before stepping forward to lock my lips with his. He groans in relief and grabs my waist tightly with his hands. Without pulling away this time around, He opens his door and pushes us in, kicking it close with his left leg.

there was definitely no going back now.

Fuck it all the way to hell

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