Green Eyed Monster

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"What are we looking at?"Andy asks suddenly , his voice so close to my ear that I jump out of my skin, startled to find him right behind me.

"Oh!" I exclaim as I swiftly turn around to face him. However, being my clumsy self, I trip over my own two feet, closing my eyes as I prepare for impact

All of a sudden, and  before I can embarrass myself any further, I feel my waist being clamped around by strong muscular arms, pulling me back up onto my feet. I gasp as my nostrils fill up with a familiar heady scent.

"—I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" Andy apologizes softly, his arms still wrapped securely around my waist.

I nod to let him know that it's okay. However, my heart was still beating wildly from my almost fall, and his close proximity was also not helping with my racing pulse.

He slowly grins down at me, his cute dimples coming on full display.

"Dammit", I swear softly under my breathe as my heart continues to beat violently against my chest, for an entirely different reason this time around.

Fucking hormones.

And fucking Andy— I swear, he knows exactly what he's doing to my body right now.

lifting up a hand, he gently pushes away a tendril of curly hair away from my face. I clear my throat and take a step back, his actions too intimate for my already galloping heart.

He drops his hand and raises an eyebrow, studying my face intensely. Seeming to be in some sort of trance, he starts to take another step closer, raising his hand to brush my cheek again.

"-Gad damn, there's enough tension between you two to power a small town!" someone in the park shouts in amusement, earning chuckles and whistles from others around us. I snap out of my daze and take some much needed steps away . Lifting up my head, i shyly look around us. I'm met with knowing smiles and suggestive looks from our onlookers.


I curse harshly under my breathe as my eyes meet with Jason's cold ones. He's pissed alright. I start to move in his direction, thinking of ways to explain this to him- whatever this was- but he shakes his head with an annoyed look. He holds my eyes for a brief moment before turning to go back to his office.

"Hey you good" Andy's question  brings me back, his tone tainted with concern. I turn around to see that he's still standing too close to me.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I have to get back to work " I say dismissively as I take some  steps away, turning to leave without a second glance.

Jason's POV

"Fuck!" I swear irritably, kicking a pebble with my foot. Shaking my head vigorously, I try to get raid of the image of Adoma in Andy's 'protective' arms just some minutes ago.

For heaven sake, she looked completely flushed and affected by his silly display of affection.

I boil in anger as another taunting image of Adoma wrapped in bed with Andy, moaning out his name, pops into my head.

"Gad dammit" I curse hotly and throw a punch at the wall, swear words falling out of my mouth as my knuckle throbs with pain. Even the thought of her being with any other man causes my skin to crawl, much more less, that cretin.

There is no doubt that she is absolutely breathtaking— judging alone by the number of men obviously lusting after her—, Even though she's completely oblivious to the fact.

However, none of her admirers annoy me more than that little boy, Andy. I swear, I'm this close to punching the daylight out of him.

I scowl in distaste and move to get back to the privacy of my office to cool off before I do something stupid. The ugliness of a green eyed monster is never pleasant to see, and right now it consumed every fiber of my being.

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