Chapter One - Drifting

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Italy decided that today he wanted to take Germany flying around his country to see his sights from a different perspective.

When Italy woke up that morning, he was laying on his stomach with his wings stretched completely out to either side of him. Usually this is how the winged nations sleep, as any other position would be uncomfortable.

As he stretched, he holds his upper body up with his arms while bending his back, his wings lift up to where the tips of his wings brush the ceiling on both sides of the room. Italy then lifted himself to his knees and brought his wings in quickly to where they fit around the width of his body.

Italy went about his daily routine; brushed his teeth, ate a big breakfast, got dressed in a casual white shirt (with appropriate holes to where the base of his wings can fit through) and tan slack pants, and attempted to wake his brother up while failing at doing so. He then walked out the door, flaps his wings a bit to feel the breeze of the spring day, and zooms into the sky with rapid and quick-paced feathers. Italy's beautiful brown wings and feathers gave him such an angelic look when the sun hits them and turns then gold. Or at least, that's how Germany would describe it.

Italy soared and made short time of the flight to Germany's house, taking him only four and a half hours. When Italy arrived, he asked Germany if he wanted to "drift" with him over some Italian sites. Germany can't say no, he never turns down the opportunity to fly, whether it's training or leisure.

Germany walked outside right behind Italy, ready to take off yet again. Germany noticed that the other was slightly more bouncy than usual. He thought nothing of it, though.

Germany then proceded to stretch out his wings as far as he could to get them ready for their little adventure. His span measured a whole 21 feet wide, from tip to tip. Italy always thought it was astonishing how wide Germany's were, and how shiny and silky they felt.

They took of with barely any sound and ventured their way back in the vague direction Italy flew from. After hours of flying smoothly, they chattered about what they had done in the time since they had seen eachother last. They talked about the previous world meeting, and where the next one would be held, easily able to hear each other as the wind isn't as strong today. They talked about how they groom their wings, and how they kept some of their old molted feathers to remember when they were so clumsy at flying. They shared some unknown memories about their old misindeavors when they took to the sky and couldn't keep themselves up because their take-off was terrible and lopided.

They enjoyed each others company until they got withing eye-distance to one of the places Italy wanted to show him.

"Germany! We should go take a break in a tree before we go!" Italy said excitedly. Germany replied with a hum and a yes, agreeing to the idea.

Italy slowed and cautiously drifted onto the limb of a tall tree in an abandoned park. The limb was about twenty-seven feet up, if Germany had to guess. Germany followed and landed next to Italy, standing carefully on the thick branch.

Germany then proceeded to sit with his back against the trunk of the tree while bith of his legs dangled on either side of the branch. Italy attempted to do the same, while facing Germany, and almost falling off the branch as he tried to sit down. Italy balanced himself thankfully, as so he didn't go and tumble off a whole twenty-seven feet to the green-covered ground beneath them.

"So, I was thinking we could go visit Lake Maggiore, because it's so pretty there! I also thought we could go to Milan too along the way. What do you think, Germany?"

"Ja, that sounds good. Since you mentioned Milan, there are some places I would like to see too." Replied Germany, with full honesty laced through his voice.

"Oh really? Like what?"

"Like visiting the park Sempione, Teatro alla Scala, or even the Vittorio mall."

Italy giggled at the Teatro alla Scala mention, he never thought of Germany as an opera kind of person. "Sure! Those all sound fantastico!"

They sat there talking about Italian sites and tourist attractions that Germany had heard of before, and made a whole bunch of small-talk that meant the world to both of them. Italy started scooting closer to Germany every once in a while to the point where they were touching knees. Germany had been talking to the other, but never really noticed how the round 'shoulders' of Italy's wings were so tuffled and beautifully imperfect. It almost made Germany want to reach out and touch that soft, lighly textured area of the other's wings.

Italy heard Germany talking about something, but was more-so distracted by Germany's shoulders. They were so noticable amongst the sea of blond feathers that it heavily tempted Italy to just reach out and drag his hands along them.

Eventually, Germany stopped talking, but the silence didn't shake them as they were so intently looking at the other, noticing things they had never thought twice about on another winged being before.

They both leaned their heads together to where their foreheads touched, Germany closed his eyes while Italy looked down at the bark on the tree between them. Their moment was so intimate, they both felt a belonging and a need to be right there.

There was no other place they would rather be right now.

They tilted their heads up and apart to look into each other's eyes, they guided their hands to each other's shoulders and gently held one another.

They closed their eyes, leaned forward, and-

Germany and Italy's Misindeavdor in FlyingWhere stories live. Discover now