Chapter 26

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A/N I've decided to update twice on weekends cause I have time so here's your second update of today :)

I felt arms wrap around my waist and lips press to my cheek. I turned around only to see Steven.

"Hey Steven, have you seen Leor?" "Oh, yeah. He told me to tell you that he has practice after school." "Aww, great. He was my ride."

"You can come with me. I don't have a car or anything but we can walk together." Steven suggested. "Okay, sure."

Steven grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers as we walked to the front of the school. "Are you doing anything this Saturday?" "No. Why?" "I want to take you out on a date." "Really! Where to?!" "You'll see Saturday."

I pouted as we walked along the sidewalk, trees bare, leaves covering the ground. "I wish it would snow here." I stated.

"I've never been in snow." "What? Why?" "It doesn't snow where I'm from. The first time I ever left Australia was when I moved here." "No way! I've got to take you to Big Bear or maybe Mammoth. Oh I know this great place in Arizona..." I started trailing off.

Steven chuckled saying, "I'll have to go there sometime then." "Yes, you should." I replied as I walked up the stairs to my door.

"See you tomorrow." "You too." Steven gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking away from my house.

I unlocked my door and walked into the house, setting down my backpack. Looking at the clock, which read 3:30, I put my phone into my pocket then went outside to grab my bike.

The cemetery wasn't far from our house, we made sure of that before burying them. It took a good ten minutes to get there but when I did, I got off of my bike and leaned it on a nearby tree.

I walked into the park-like cemetery, passing by hundreds of headstones as I went along. Finally, I got to the three headstones that were the reason behind me coming here today.

I looked at my dad's headstone, it reading:

Jonathan Miller
May 7, 1975- October 29, 2010

Then I looked at my boyfriend at the time's headstone:

Zachary Cameron
April 17, 1996- October 29, 2010

Finally, I looked down at my big brother's headstone:

Adam Miller
November 3, 1995- October 29, 2010

I sat down next to the grave and said, "Happy birthday Adam. It's too bad you're not here anymore. I miss you a lot. Life's not the same without you. I love you so much and I wish you were here."

I sighed sadly before continuing, "Nothing interesting has happened since you left. Leor and I started dating and we kissed, my first kiss actually, we broke up soon after because it felt weird. We got a new friend in our group named Steven, he's my new boyfriend, and he's so sweet. Leor came out as bi and Sky came out as gay, Sydney's still in the closet though. Leor and Sky are dating, mom and I re-painted our rooms, leaving yours the same of course. Um, what else? Oh yeah! A couple months ago Leor was playing in a football game and as he threw the winning goal, someone tackled him and he ended up breaking his leg."

I laughed sadly as I recapped what has happened in the past couple of months from when I last saw him. When I left, I realized I was crying.

I grabbed my bike and started pedaling back home. I passed a park on the way back and decided to stay there for a little.

I leaned my bike on a nearby tree and then sat down on a bench. Looking around, I breathed in the nice smell of the winter/fall season. Sadly, it was 80 degrees today. Usually it's colder around this time but because of the drought, it's staying hot. It feels like summer.

I sat on the bench for a good thirty minutes before going back over to the tree and grabbing my bike, pedaling home for real this time.

The house was empty so I grabbed my backpack and went up to Adam's room to do my homework. When I'm in his room, it feels like I have company. Maybe it's just the way his room is decorated or painted but it just gives off this feeling of companionship, hopefulness.

Soon enough, I had finished homework and walked downstairs to make dinner. Just as I got into the kitchen, the phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked as I picked it up. "Hey Maya. Mom was wondering if you and Aunt Dani wanted to come over for dinner tonight." "I think it's good. I need to call my mom and ask her so I'll call you back later. Bye!" "Bye!"

I walked back up to Adam's room, realizing that I left my phone up their, and dialed my mom's number.

"Hello." "Hey mom. Aunt Cass wanted to know if we would be able to come over for dinner tonight." "Let her know that it's okay. I'm on my way home right now so I'll be there in a few and we can leave together." "Okay, bye!" "Bye."

I called Sky back up on my phone telling him that it was okay. "Great. I'll let my mom know you guys are coming. See you later." "See you later."

I took a shower then put on a black tank top that read 'AVADA KEDAVRA BITCH' in white script. I also put on a pair of black skinny jeans and put my hair in a French braid.

I went downstairs after putting on my black vans and glasses. "Hello sweetheart. Ready to go?" "Yeah."

A/N did you miss me bitches? -A

^I'm sorry, I had to do it

Anyways how was the chapter? I hope you like it

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