Chapter 1

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*Ten Years Later*

*Maya's POV*

"Spider Man!"

"Iron Man!"

"Spider Man!"

"Iron Man!"

"Spider Man!"

"Iron Man!"

This is basically how I spend every Friday night with Leor, my best friend of ten years.

"Why don't you guys just watch The Avengers." His twin sister Leilah said annoyed.

"No!" We screamed at her in unison.

"Jinks!" I said to Leor. "You owe me five bucks!"

"Doesn't he owe you a soda?" Leilah said.

"No! We don't do sodas!" We screamed at Leilah. I then directed my attention to Leor and put my hands together to make a fake gun out of them,"Give me the money and no one gets hurt!"

Leor took out his wallet with a chuckle and then gave me five dollars. "Thank you!" I happily put the money in my pocket and gave Leor a quick hug.

"Let's watch Spider Man!" I said to Leor and put on the best cute face I have and probably failing to look cute.

"Ugh Fine!"


"Stop yelling all the time! It's so annoying!" Leilah said angrily, being the over dramatic little bitch that she is. She is only older than Leor by ten minutes and yet she acts so mature and bitchy all of the time.

"If you're so annoyed then why aren't you up in your room?" We were in their basement or as Leor and I call it, 'The L&M Lounge,' as in, the Leor and Maya Lounge, not the Leilah, Leor, and Maya Lounge.

"You know what, I've had enough of you guys, I'm going over to Sam's house for the night!" Leilah then stood up and went up the basement stairs without another word or glance back at us. We heard the front door close a few minutes later.

"Finally the bitch left!" I said. "That took longer than I'd have thought!"

"I was just thinking the exact same thing! You want some popcorn and snacks for the movie?"

"Yes! Race you to the kitchen!" I ran passed Leor and up the stairs, him not far behind me.

"I win!" I screamed happily looking in the cupboard for the snacks.

"Okay I get that you win!" Leor said, putting the popcorn in the microwave.

Me being the forgetful person that I am, I asked Leor, "Where are the snacks?"

"To your left." Leor said. I've been to his house millions of times, it's like a second home to me, and yet I keep forgetting where everything is. I grabbed a few bags of chips, some candy bars and some sodas.

We went downstairs after we got everything and started watching the movie.

Sometime during the movie I had ended up with my head on Leor's lap, he was currently playing with my hair.

"I'm bored!" I complained once the movie was over.

"We could play a game." Leor suggested and then shrugged.

"Ooh! Let's play truth or dare!" I said.

"But then won't it be awkward if it's just the two of us?"


"I'll play on one condition."

"That is..."

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