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-Meliodas' POV-

I put in the lenses and the feathers was already covering my darkness. I really hate this plan.

"The lenses activates automatically when you use your darkness, to put it off or on without using your powers, you say 'Goddess eyes'." Chandler informed as he continued picking feathers from the goddess wings and put onto my darkness wings.

It will be a pain to have the wings activated all the time, it will probably be in the way.

"B-brother!" I heard as the door to my room opened. I looked at Zeldoris as he nervously walked over to me.

"H-ow long will you be gone?" He asked, trying his best to hide the obvious nervousness. I sighed, saying "A year maybe, not too long. Don't mess anything up in the army now, I have worked hard to get it to perfection."

"Young Master Meliodas, stand still." Chandler said, making me do as told as he put his last feathers in my wings.

My attention turned back to Zeldoris who stared at me.

"You really look like a goddess."

"Don't remind me. I hate this plan." I mumbled, looking up at the ceiling as a dark dot formed on it, father's voice being heard though it "Time to go Meliodas. Don't forget, I want weekly updates. I will check up on you then and then."

"Yes father." I answered.

"Good, now go. You have to be there before the day is over, it will be suspicious if you arrive at night."

"Yes." I spoke, turning to the door.

"Zeldoris, make sure you know where the commandments is, nothing can go wrong now." I gave him my last order before leaving to prepare the last.

. . . . .

I landed on the ground, seeing goddesses flying everywhere.

It was definitely harder to breathe here than in the demon and human realm, but I will mange thanks to my training.

I took a deep breath, but quickly regretted it as I nearly choked myself a couple seconds. Okay, no deep breathes or I will get too much goddess miasma. It makes me feel sick.

Trying to breathe as minimal I could, I started walking towards the goddess city.

It sucks that I will live here a while. The demon realm is a much better place. I'm home, I'm the leader, I get what I want, I can breathe and use my darkness normally and the best part, no goddess or other races thanks to the demon miasma.

Someone bumped into me, making me glare at her. She had long silver hair and blue eyes... and really big wings.

"Excuse me, I have to go." She said as she continued running. I rolled my eyes and continued my walk. Firstly, I need to find a place to live. Secondly, I have to find the archangels or the princess and befriend them so they can leak me information.

Ugh, it's so light here! And why is there two suns?! I can't wait for the night!

Suddenly, someone pushed me aside, making my already dwelling anger rise.

The man that pushed me aside just yelled "Elizabeth! Wait! The Supreme deity st-"

Elizabeth? As the goddess princess?

Damn, I have to run after her then! It must be the one who bumped into me.

Quickly turning around, I started running after the man who pushed me aside, hoping to get to her before him.

-Elizabeth's POV-

All of a sudden, I was pushed into an alley. I felt myself being pushed into someone and a hand covered my mouth.

I watched as Mael ran past us before the mysterious person let go of me. Quickly turning around, I was ready to defend myself when I saw who it was.

My hands went down to my side as I stared into her eyes.

"Seriously Elizabeth? Again?! This is the last time I have saved you, understand!" She scolded, making me sigh while she shook me by the shoulders.

"You didn't have to save me Jelamet. I can sneak out by myself."

"By the look of it, I don't believe you. Seriously Elizabeth, you are our future leader, start act like it!"

"I'm just so tired of always having to be perfect Jelamet. Mother turned my best friend to my bodyguard, that sounds so nice, doesn't it? She doesn't even trust me to stay safe!"

"Elizabeth, Mael agreed to be your bodyguard because he cares about you. Do you understand how lucky you are that he does?" Jelamet asked, gripping slightly tighter in my shoulders.

I brushed her hands off of me, saying "Take my place if you want to, I don't want this life. I just want to be a normal goddess like you."

"But you aren't! I would gladly take your place if I could, but I can't! You are the Supreme deity's daughter! You are one of the strongest goddesses we have, yet you are only playing child all the time!"

"Life isn't exactly easy for me too Jelamet! I hate fighting and now I'm forced to go to a school to teach me how to hate demons and fight them! Mother forces me to be there at all events there is and now she turned my best friend to my bodyguard?! I can't tell anyone how I really feel anymore!"

"You know what Elizabeth? I think you should stop being so selfish and think about your people. Just look around you, all this will vanish if we don't have a strong, reliable queen like your mother. Everyone here is right and you are wrong, you have to realize that before it's too late."

"This is just not fair Jelamet, I don't want to throw away my life for something so meaningless."

"When you realized you are wrong, tell me and we can become friends again." She said and walked away. I just fell onto my knees, yet another friend lost because of this stupid war.

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