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-Elizabeth's POV-

I sat down at my desk as the first lesson started.

Suddenly, the door opened and a boy I recognized walked into the classroom. The boy that I bumped into yesterday.

Well, this is awkward...

I hid my face in my hand as I stared down at my desk.

"Everyone, this is your new classmate. Meriodasu, please introduce yourself."

Looking up at the front and saw him staring at me, I immediately looked down once again.

Great, he recognized me... now it will be even more awkward between us...

"I'm Meriodasu, I'm obviously a goddess and is really strong." He spoke, making me look up to see him showing off his muscles.

Okay... that's just embarrassing... but who am I to talk? I'm embarrassing myself all the time!

"Why don't you go and sit down beside Mael?"

"You think I, the new student, know who that is? This is a new level of stupidity I ever encountered."

"Don't speak to me that way young man! Mael, raise your hand for this boy to sit down beside you."

I saw Mael raise his hand beside me. He always sits beside me since he is my bodyguard. I really hate the fact that he is.

Before, he was my best friend, the one I could talk to no matter what. Now when he also is my bodyguard, he has to force me to meetings, can never leave me alone and I can't talk to him since he has to tell mother everything I tell him if it's a big subject.

Now I just have to bottle everything up because no one else understands me the way he does.

Meriodasu went to sit on the other side of Mael as the teacher started the lesson.

. . . . .

I looked at Meriodasu as he picked up his things as the lunch started. He doesn't have any friends yet I suppose and I don't have any friends at the moment... so I guess I could go and talk to him?

I picked up my last things before walking over to him, Mael following like usually.

"Hi, Meriodasu. Do you happen to have any plans at lunch? Are you going to sit with any friends or anything?"

He turned to me, kind of looking at me up and down, which made Mael pull me behind his back.

"Don't look that way towards princess Elizabeth."

"Princess Elizabeth, huh? And who are you? Her bodyguard?" I heard Meriodasu say, making me peek at him from behind Mael.

"I am, what about it?!" Mael asked.

"Awww, that's cute, she's so weak she can't even defend herself. Do you start crying when you get a small scratch too?" Meriodasu said in a baby voice, making me angry at him.

"It's not like that!"

"What? You gonna cry now too? What a baby you are."

"Okay, that's enough! Let's go Mael!" I spoke and walked away, my body feeling slightly heavier than before until I left the classroom.

. . . . .

"He was so mean! I can't believe he is a goddess!"

"Like, who raised him?! A demon?!"

"I bet the only thing good about him is his looks!"

"Wait, you think he looks good?" Mael interrupted, stopping my rant. Silence consumed the air around our table as I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"I-I didn't mean it like that! I-I mean, most people in this school is boys that train their body daily. E-everyone looks pretty good. It's just a surprise he had big muscles and probably abs too before starting in this school."

"I did though..."

"But you are an exception! You have been with me all my life and trained by my side! Even if I was mostly slacking off at the training..."


"Anyways, it's fighting lessons next, right?" I asked. He nodded, making me say "Great, I'm going to skip class."

"No, I'm here to make sure you go to your lessons."

"Mael, why can't you just be my best friend again and stop this bodyguard thing? I hate it..."

"As long as you are weaker than me, I have to be your bodyguard, but I'm still your best friend. You know I will listen to whatever you say."

"You will have to report back to mother if it's too serious. Mael, I just want my best friend back... please..."

-Meliodas' POV-

I sat in my dorm that was now completely dark. I haven't changed the walls or anything, but the curtains are down and I have filled in every place light comes in with a blanket or pillow.

This is just who I like it, complete darkness...

I saw a slightly darker big spot form on my ceiling as Father's voice was heard "Meliodas? How is it going? Do you have any information?"

"No father... I have nothing to tell."

"You haven't started your mission?!"

"I have father, but I have only found one archangel and the princess. I don't think they will give me any information."

"I need information. If you don't have anything within this week, you will be punished."

"Yes father." I answered as he left. How am I supposed to befriend her after what I did last class?

Damn, why is it so hard to pretend to be a goddess?! Why?!

I guess I could start with finding her and try to befriend her?

I don't even have any friends, how am I supposed to befriend someone?!

I took a deep breathe to try and calm down, but the stupid goddess miasma in here just made me choke and I ended up coughing on the floor.

Hope my demon miasma is strong enough to fill this room instead of the goddess. I would like to he able to breathe normally.

Once I recovered, I walked out of my dorm to go to the cafeteria. What I understand, they serve food all day, so I can go there whenever I want, but since I have classes later, I should eat now.

Once I got my food, I looked around for a place to eat at and spotted a special someone.

Smirking slightly at the chance I got, I walked over to them and sat beside her, turning both of their attentions to me.

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