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-Elizabeth's POV-

Someone knocked on my door, making me ask "Yes? Come in?"

I was sure it was Mael, but to my surprise, it was Jelamet.

"Jelamet... It was such long time ago I saw you outside of the planning room."

"Hmm, yeah... I came back here as soon as the news reached me... I was protecting the human realm, you know?"

I nodded, asking "So what're you doing here?"

"Well, I heard what happened... That filthy demon tricked you into falling in love with him, so I wanted to see how you're feeling."

"He didn't trick me, I fell in love on my ow-"

She rolled her eyes, saying "Elizabeth, of course he tricked you. Demons don't have feelings. They're just monsters."

"Jelamet, that's not true. He loves me and I love hi-"

She sighed, saying "You're so naive Elizabeth. Now I remember why I stopped talking to you. To think I came all the way here just to cheer you up seems so stupid to me now."


"I'm leaving. I hope you come to your senses soon."

"I hope you can stop being such a racist!" I suddenly yelled out of anger. She looked at me, asking "Racist? I am racist? No Elizabeth, you're just too blind to see the facts. Demons are emotionless creatures that murders everything in sight."

"But that's not true! Meliodas is proof of that! He... he loves me..."

"He doesn't, I can guarantee that. Now don't come to me when he betrays you."

"I certainly won't because it will never happ-" A loud bang interrupted me, making me ask "What was that?"

"I don't know." She replied, walking up to my window to look out. She suddenly gasped as I joined her. The dungeon... it was a big hole in it.

"Meliodas!" I gasped, opening my window and immediately flying down there. Jelamet flew right after me, saying "We can't let the prisoners escape!"

I stopped midair when I saw people flying out of the dungeon, demons... 5 of them including Meliodas. Jelamet continued flying towards them  charging at them together with lots of guards.

Out of nowhere, my mouth was covered and I was pushed into someone. Next thing I knew, I was unconscious.

. . . . .

I opened my eyes, seeing a black ceiling. Sitting up, I looked around the room I was in. I sat in a big bed, the dark walls were decorated with different types of weapons. It wasn't much else in here, a wardrobe and a desk with a chair, that's all.

Being very confused, I got up from the bed, but I couldn't go far as my left hand was chained to the bed frame.

How didn't I notice?

I sighed, getting back in bed. It took hours until someone walked into the room. Meliodas did... His demon mark stretched over his forehead, blackish purple markings danced around on his skin while his eyes were so unbelievable black. This form of his... it made me feel a little uneasy...

"You're awake. Great." He said, closing the door after himself. I nodded, asking "Where am I?"

"In my room."

"In... the demon realm?"

He nodded, pulling his white west off to be half bare in front of me. I have of course seen him shirtless before, but it still made me flustered to see him like that.

He climbed into bed, reaching for my wrist and unlocking me from the chain, saying "You only have to wear that when I'm not here. It's not too tight, is it?"

"Well..." I mumbled, looking at my red wrist. It didn't hurt and it didn't leave any bruises, it was just uncomfortable...

"I can manage." I told him. He nodded, asking "Are you feeling alright? The miasma doesn't make you sick, does it?"

"No... ummm, maybe... maybe just a little..."

"You will feel better when you're used to it." He said. I nodded, looking at the walls.

"Meri- M-Meliodas..."


"I'm just wondering... what's happening now?"

"Well, my father allowed me to have you with me here as long as you behave." He spoke, his arms around going my waist and pulling me closer to him. His face were in my neck as he whispered "But only on a few conditions..."

"Those are?"

He sighed, saying "Well, he doesn't want me to have a relationship with a goddess, so I can only have you until the war is over, after that, I have to find myself a wife, a demon."


He hummed, saying "That was only one condition. The others are that I don't get attached to you, that I don't let you leave this room, that you're always quiet and that you don't get in my way fighting in the war."

I nodded, turning to lay on his shoulder while hugging him "So... What happens to me when the war is over?"

"I... don't know for sure... For now, I just want to enjoy having you here." He said, laying down in bed. I laid down with him, my head on his chest. I heard his heart beat, soothing me a little.

"I heard demons have multiple hearts... is that true?"

He hummed, saying "Upper demons like me have seven."

"Seven?" I asked, not thinking it would be that many. He nodded, grabbing my hand and putting it on the other side of his chest, saying "Here's one..."

He pushed my hand down a little, saying "Here's another..."

I nodded, feeling his hearts beating whenever he pushed my hand down on it. I smiled, hugging him once he let me feel all of his hearts.

"You're not scared of me, right? Now when you know I'm a demon..."

"No... I'm not." I told him. He smiled, hugging me back and saying "Great... Let's get some sleep, it's late."

I nodded, feeling him pull the blanket over us and then cuddling me to sleep.

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