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-Elizabeth's POV-

I stood in front of the gates to the castle. Mother would finally meet Meriodasu... and it makes me so nervous...

We have been together in about a year and I love him more and more by the day. She has known that Meriodasu and I have been together in a while, because of Mael telling her, but today is the day I will actually introduce him to her.

I know they have met and I know they wasn't getting along the best, but I will try to make them to...

"You okay Elizabeth?"

"Yes, just... nervous..." I said, grabbing to hold into his arm. He smiled at me, saying "It will be fine. I'm never gonna leave you, even if she disapproves of us.".

"Thanks Meriodasu..." I whispered before we opened the doors and stepped inside. Mother sat on the throne like usually...

"Elizabeth... and you."

"Mother, I know you know about my and Meriodasu's relationship... So I wanted to introduce him to you properly."

"Hmmm, I don't like him. Get together with someone else."

"Mother, I'm not gonna do that!"

"With all due respect, I will not leave Elizabeth whether you like it or not. I'm just here to clarify our relationship to you."

The two glared at each other until my mother finally gave in "Let's see how long your relationship lasts then. Soilders are getting low in number and we will have to recruit some from the school. You're among the first that will join the fights, Meriodasu."

"Mother, no-"

"Elizabeth, I will be fine. I have been there before..." Meriodasu said, smiling up at me.


"I will be fine."


"Are Meriodasu staying here?" Mother asked and I nodded, saying "If there isn't any rooms, he can stay in mine with me."

"There is plenty of rooms and I won't let you two stay together in the same bedroom. Now go and make yourselves ready, the meeting will take place in two hours."

I grabbed Meriodasu's hand and pulled him out of the throne room as he asked "The meeting?"

"We discuss the war..."

"Will I take a part of it?"

"I guess I can convince mother to let you be there if you're quiet..."


-Meliodas' POV-

I was making myself ready for the meeting. Finally, I'm trusted to be there directly when they plan. I will know everything happening.

This war will end soon... very soon...

I stepped out of my room and started walking towards Elizabeth's. It was a few corridors down, but it didn't take too long to get to her.

Peeking into her room, I saw her back as she was looking into a mirror. She... had a very beautiful dress on...

My heart was felt to beat a little faster as she turned around, saying "Meriodasu. You're done already?"

Nodding, I walked into her room "Elizabeth, you're so beautiful..."

She blushed and smiled, making my heart beat even faster. I don't understand why I feel this way... I have been feeling like in a few days, every time I see Elizabeth.

"Thank you... So shall we get going?"

Nodding, I pulled my hands behind my head as we walked out. Elizabeth led me to the meeting room.

We went to sit down and soon, some other people entered too. I grabbed and held Elizabeth's hand as the Supreme Diety spoke "Everyone's here, great. Let's get started."

"Rumours says the filthy demon Meliodas is dead, he hasn't been seen for a long while. We might have the upper hand now." Tarmiel, one of the four archangels, said.

I smirked on the inside. Upper hand? I don't think so. We will win, I know it.

"Yes, but we've also been losing a lot of people in the battlefield. We might be outnumbering them, but they're still stronger. For every demon we kill, they kill approximately 5 of our own." Jelamet mumbled. I've noticed that she's been glaring at Elizabeth while being here... What's her deal?

"Hmm... Two commandments was killed the past year, Zeno and Aranak. However, Drole and Gloxinia just joined their side and became a part of the 10 commandments. They're both very powerful, so it's a big loss for us, even though we have the current fairy king on our side as well as the giants." Ludociel spoke. I really dislike him.

I haven't met the current fairy King... Gloxinia lost his title when becoming a part of the 10 commandments, the second one disappeared lately. He didn't take part in the war, so the third fairy king was born just a few weeks ago.

"I think we put all our strengths in one attack to eradicate all demons." I spoke up, even though I wasn't allowed to interfere.

"Meriodasu, you wasn't supposed to speak..." Elizabeth whispered to me, but I ignored her and spoke "If we put all our strengths in one attack, we can kill most demons. The ones that aren't killed can be killed one after another until they're all extinct."

The plan sucks, but they're most likely stupid enough to believe it will work. This will make it easier for the commandments to take over Britannia and slowly kill off the goddess.

"It won't work. For it to happen, we have to gather all demons in one place an-" Mael was cut off by Ludociel that spoke "That is a great idea. We may capture as many demons we can and when they notice their people disappear, they will come an attack us head on. That's when we can attack."

"But how and where will we keep all the demons?" Sariel asked. That's when Ludociel smirked, saying "I'm sure the fairy King will help us with keeping everyone hidden in their forest. We will keep them in an agony state of half alive and half dead in a giant arc. They won't be able to do anything while suffering immense pain before they die."

That's the reason I hate Ludociel... He likes seeing people suffer...

"Then it's settled. We have to start preparing."

Elizabeth squeezed my hand as the meeting ended and everyone left, including me and Elizabeth.

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