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"Where are you." Shelby asked suddenly, "Wha- Um and Lizzie and Joel's house? Why?" "Adress??" "Shelby. You're not going to come are you?" I ask her over the phone. "What do you think asshat?" She says scribbling something down on a piece of paper. "But what about your stream?!" "I'll stream there if at all." "B-But you don't have to!" I say slipping into a sort of panic while I wonder what Joel and Lizzy would think if Shelby said I invited her over.

"Stay safe." She says as she hangs up. I put my phone down and walk over to the little furball on the bed, waiting for me to cuddle her. "You alright in there?" Joel had asked from outside the room. "yeah! Just checking Twitter" I say, that wasn't completely a lie, as I was grabbing my phone TO check Twitter. "Can I come in?" "... Sure" Joel came in and he saw me on my bed with my phone in my hands, giving him a warm smile.

"What's trending?" He says sitting beside me. "Haven't checked." I opened Twitter and saw the hashtag that I really didn't want to see 'Smajor1995's family'. I look over at Joel and say "Oh, just dream and cats!" that didn't work, but Joel knew he could check himself. "Alright, I'm going to go now... come out for dinner k?" "sure" Joel walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. 

I sighed and I went to see what this hashtag was all about. It seemed my 'Family' figured out what I do for a living. They let everyone know who they were. They hadn't said anything yet, but I knew they would. I went to write a tweet and I tried to cover it up with something like "Don't worry guys! It's just a couple of fans :)" but they saw said tweet and responded with, "Sure. When are you coming home, Scott? We need to talk"

(A/N 326 words :D)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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