Revving up the Engine

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Technoblade leaned out of his pink, black striped Camaro, window open, grinning at his competitor who had lost horribly.

"Fork over the cash, Skeppy! Just admit that I never loose!" He said, propping his arm on the window frame. The blue-haired man just glared at Techno, who's smile only grew.

"You are such a bitch!" He yelled, earning a very loud "LANGUAGE!" from his co-pilot BadBoyHalo.

"I mean, you're not wrong." Wilbur, Techno's co-pilot shot back, "But you did loose horribly. So fork over the cash and you owe us dinner." Techno glared at Wilbur before getting out of the car. Phil, Techno's friend from college, ran over to him, cheering and whooping for his friend.

"That was awesome, mate!" Phil said, pulling Techno into a surprise hug. Techno snorted, pulling his pink hair from the high and tight ponytail, it falling down his shoulders like a waterfall.

"Yeah, a little thank you would be great." Wilbur snorted, crossing his arms. "I did important work." Techno rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you actually listened to me. Now let's get our cash." Techno said, going over to the white tent where Karl and Punz were tallying up the bets. As they walked, Techno was being yelled at by two familiar children.

"TECHNOBLADE! I KNEW YOU'D WIN!" Tommy shrieked. Techno hunched down, trying to make his way quickly over to the tent, but Wilbur was already waving them over.

"Tommy! Tubbo! You came!" Wilbur cheered, greeting the kids while Techno hung back, gathering his hard-earned money.

"Well of course we did, boss man!" Tubbo said cheerfully as Techno walked over, handing over half the money to Wilbur.

"I see you dragged along your kid brothers?" Techno asked playfully. Tommy, ever the hot-head, glared at him.

"Shut up, I'm way better than Wilbur." Tommy huffed peeking up from the arm Wilbur had slung around his shoulder, "But that was awesome!" He said, bouncing from topic to topic, like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower. Phil ran over to Techno, smiling.

"We're still going for pizza, yeah?" Techno nodded. That was their tradition, him and Phil and whoever wanted to tag along would go to the pizza parlor and have pizza in celebration.

"Of course, Wil, you comin?" Wilbur shook his head.

"No can do, I got an early day at work tomorrow, but Tommy and Tubbo might be coming." Techno groaned playfully.

"Don't make me babysit, Willlll." Techno whined. Tommy scoffed, tossing his hair aloofly.

"You'd be honored to be in my company!"

"Oh Techno, can I bring a friend of mine along?" Tubbo asked. Tubbo was always a lot nicer that Tommy, though he was equally chaotic.

"Sure, why not." Techno shrugged.

"Yes!" Tubbo cheered, pumping his fist excitedly in the air. Techno just sighed, glancing over at Phil.

"I'm gonna go have Sam check out my car, I'll meet you guys there." Phil nodded, and as Techno left he heard him offering to give the children a ride to the pizza parlor.

He walked over to the green-haired mechanic, who was checking his car for any damage.

"So, how's she look?" Techno called, pulling off his red, fur-lined leather jacket. It was a pretty hot, stuffy summer night and he was wearing thick clothing.

"A bit of damage, but nothing I can't get fixed. Ranboo! Can you help out over here?" Techno turned to see a young kid, around Tubbo's age, very gangly with blonde-brown hair running towards him.

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