Winner Take All

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"Alright, you know the rules so I'll make this quick. We run by survival of the fastest, whoever's quicker wins. Three laps around the track, don't make each other crash, I'm not pulling out bodies. Racers ready?" Eret called out, raising the checkered flag and rainbow flag.

"Ready!" Dream called out.

"Ready." Techno drawled, nearly at the same time. Eret smirked.

"We're poppin' off boys!" Karl yelled excitedly.

"Alright! On your marks. Get set. Drive!" The flags dropped and they shot forward, Ranboo momentarily thrown back as the adrenaline hit his system. Techno pressed further on the gas, going faster and faster, trying to pull past Dream. Karl's excited commentary was drowned out as they sped off.

"Let's fucking do this!" Tommy cheered excitedly, pumping his fist in the air, hitting the roof ceiling. Tubbo cheered excitedly.

"Gonna kick their asses!" He yelled.

"Don't do that Tommy!" Techno growled as he kept his eyes dead ahead as the reached their first turn. The green car was even keel with Techno's car until they reached the first turn, Dream drifting in front of them, Techno slamming on the brakes as he suddenly went slower.

"You fucking BITCH Dream that's such a dumb prick move!" Tommy screamed, rolling down the window. Dust got caught up in his eyes and he rolled it back up quickly. Techno cackled at Tommy, while Ranboo was just impressed that it was Tommy who was the most mad in the car.

"Ranboo, you feel like being a nuisance?"

"DO IT!" Tommy yelled, Tubbo soon joining in. Ranboo flushed slightly.

"They outvoted me, nuisance it is." Techno nodded, speeding up to catch up to Dream.

"Nuisance it is."

They drove ever closer, tailgating him. Ranboo felt bad for all the work Sam would do as they bumped against Dream, before realizing that he would do all that work.

"Stop stop stop stop!" He yelled as Dream shouted.

"Techno you BITCH!"

They shifted to the side, beside Dream. Tommy flipped off the car as Ranboo looked at Techno. He nodded and shifted the stick, fluidly throwing them into a power slide before the righted the car, Tommy cackling even more with Tubbo.

"Ha HA! Sucks to suck!" Tubbo cheered as they passed by the announcer's table.

"A wonderful slide preformed by our new duo, really showing their strength! Impressive!" Niki called, the smile evident in her voice. Ranboo didn't really understand it, it was all muscle memory. And boy was he glad for it.

"Brake check?" Techno asked. Ranboo nodded.

"Yesssss fuck 'em UPPPP!" Tommy said, drumming on the back of Techno's seat, earning a glare from the pinkette as he slowed the car.

A slew of curses came from behind them as Techno sped up again.

"A cheap shot from Technoblade! Never knew he'd stoop to our level, but anything to get one ahead of Dream!" Karl yelled excitedly. Ranboo hoped that Quackity was mourning the hole in his wallet. He fucking better.

"FUCK YOU BLADE!" Sapnap screamed as Techno continued, grinning wickedly. Ranboo, while he liked this side of Techno, was very happy to be on his side. He didn't seem like a fun enemy to have.

Eventually, they stopped as they pulled into the third lap and Dream was gaining. Techno smirked and began to wildly zig-zag across the track as it widened out, shouts coming from behind them.

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