First Race

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Ranboo was very excited. He had been training with Technoblade for nearly a month now and the pinkette had finally deemed him ready for his first race, which, of course, would be against Skeppy and Bad. The rematch of the ages.

He was more nervous about his friends reactions, specifically Tommy's. Tommy held his brother in the highest regard and he was terrified that he'd think Ranboo was replacing Wilbur, though Wil had promised to explain everything to his brother before the race and why he wasn't competing.

Ranboo only hoped it would be enough.

Technoblade and Skeppy were talking out on the track before anyone else came as Ranboo raced out towards them, clutching onto his sunglasses with the different colored lenses. Techno looked over at him, his pink hair plaited over his shoulder.

"Ranboo! Guess you haven't chickened out yet!" Skeppy laughed when he spotted Ranboo. He laughed, smiling at the two.

"Not yet." He agreed, looking around, "People gonna showing up?" Skeppy nodded, running a hand through his hair.

"Yup. We didn't explicitly invite people, since someone decided to go overprotective father bear-"

"Pretty sure it's mama bear." Techno interjected.

"Semantics. Anyways, people will be coming, Bad's bringing muffins for you."

"That's really nice of him." Ranboo grinned. Skeppy rolled his eyes.

"Think of it more of an indoctrination ritual. Now look alive kid, people are comin'!" He followed Skeppy's gaze to the people walking down onto the track, the loud chatter coming closer and closer. He quickly noted Wilbur talking with Tommy and Tubbo before he went to go explain things to others. He sucked in a breath, closing his eyes and willing away any of the doubts still lingering like a fog around his mind.

"You're gonna do great." Technoblade said quietly and sternly before Tommy came charging at them, Wilbur and Tubbo hot on his heels.

"RANBOO YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH!" Tommy yelled, hitting Ranboo's chest with his fists. He saw Wilbur give him an apologetic look. "I can't BELIVE YOU you are TERRIBLE!"

"He doesn't mean that." Wilbur said quickly, but Tommy shook his head.

"I DO mean it Wilbur! You are so STUPID, so are you Ranboo! Ranboo, imagine being named Ranboo, sounds like Ranboob. Ranboob." Tubbo sighed, shaking his head.

"Calm down Tommy, I'm sure you're gonna do great Ranboo!"

"Thanks Tubbo." Ranboo said gratefully. He knew that he had Tommy's support, even if he seemed angry with him. At least he hoped so, it was hard for him to tell.

More people came, Eret and Sapnap setting up Karl's announcer table. Ranboo put on his glasses, pushing his hair out of his eyes. Techno patted Ranboo's shoulder.

"You know what we practiced. We're gonna win this. Now c'mon, I think they're looking to start." Ranboo nodded, grinning.

They got into the car as Sam finished looking at their car, ruffling Ranboo's hair through the car window.

"You got this Ranboo, don't forget that." Ranboo nodded, smiling at Sam. "Cars are good to go!" He called back to where Eret, Karl, Sapnap and Quackity sat behind the announcer's table.

"Alright everyone, it's the race of the ages! Technoblade and Skeppy, though you may see a new face! Ranboo, our very own, has taken Wilbur's place as Techno's co-pilot! All bets are in, let's see how things fair! Who do you think's gonna win, guys?" Karl asked as Eret walked out onto the track, their glittery sheer jacket catching the light.

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